Meeting the glaring man again

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The only one ch 3

The class went on between Liz and Gilbert bickering 'what a funny pair', Kiku skillfully drawing, me sketching random things and Liz and me chatting about fashion and before long the bell rang.

"See you later Arisa!" Liz said to me before leaving to her next class, gilbert not far behind her. 'This time I made sure to ask for directions before class ended and was able to find my way to my class

But just as I was about to enter I was pushed back and if I was a normal girl that grip would of hurt 'though am not' and just as I was about to hit my attacker he yelled out "Be careful stupida ragazza!"

It was then that I noticed Lovino was the one who pushed me back "Why the heck did you yank me" I told him rubbing my wrist pretending it hurts "I didn't mean to yank you-a that hard-a" he said though I could see some pride in his eyes 'stupid male ego/pride' I mentally rolled my eyes.

He then added "though you would have suffered a lot more if I hadn't yanked you-a"

"what do you mean?" That guy was passing through just as you were about to enter" he said glaring at the guy he was talking about and I followed his gaze and saw the handsome platinum blonde haired guy who had bumped into me, walking to his seat though I snapped out before my staring got creepy I turned back to a fuming Lovino and said "so?"

"So?!" he whisper-yelled at me "He's-a very dangerous and on top sick just by passing through at the same time he would of slit your throat-a" 'oh god not this again, that's just a load of-' I stopped before my thoughts got too negative and told Lovino "Listen Lovino I don't like judging people because of looks or rumors, besides I bumped into him earlier in the morning and all he did was glare at me so that's an exaggeration" I told him baffled at the type of rumor.

"Tch! Fine don't say-a I didn't warn you-a!" he left muttering angry curses at me 'whatever I need to find a teacher.'

I walked and looked around and saw a guy in his desk sleeping 'wow the bell hasn't rang yet and he's already out' while passing him I saw the platinum haired guy though he didn't see me as he was furiously writing in his notebook.

Then saw an older guy with brown hair and guessed he was the teacher and went to him before I could talk to him he said "you must be the new student my name is Mr. Ross would you introduce yourself to the class?"

"Well as long as it's not a psychological test" I mutter to myself "heh so Daisy still does those tests" I hear Mr. Ross mutter those words while flashing an enamored look but before I could wonder about his words he gives a "hmph" and tells me with a small blush "Well please go on and introduce yourself"

"Hello I recently became the country of Bloomelia, my human name is Arisa Lilac, nice to meet you all" I said and while saying my introduction I looked at Lovino though he averted his eyes from me 'wow guy knows how to keep a grudge'

I also noticed the silver haired guy looked at me for a second before going back to writing in his notebook "You can sit at any unoccupied seat" Mr. Ross said and I went to sit in front of Romano deciding that even though he's mad at me he will need to get over it, I also noticed the 'dangerous' silver haired guy was 2 seats to my right and to my surprise -note sarcasm- the seats around him were empty except to his back where the sleeping beauty still slept.

'Wow its awful how rumors can affect someone this badly, I sure don't miss that part of high school though unlike Anya and me the silver haired guy seems unaffected by how everyone acts around him'.

"Hmm Ross where had I heard that last name before..." I muttered to myself "Mr. Ross is married to Mrs. Ross from Art class that's where you've heard the last name" I heard a voice to my left say so I turned to my left and see a girl with brown hair sporting a long ponytail with a stern expression "I'm Vietnam though my human name is Tran Chung Lien".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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