This.....I.....just as friends....please..?

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"Ok.....but only as.....friends....please?" Tears were still going down your face but you really liked's just you want to get to know him more and not go into the unknown "Ok...I hate making promise...but i'll do it for you 'kid'." He smirks at you and it feels as if you heart froze for a second. Blush cover your whole face, you try to cover it but they already noticed "H-hey don't c-c-call me that!" AWWW!!! HUMAN YOU YOUR SO SHY TOWARDS MY BROTHER, I KNEW YOU LIKED HIM EVER SENCE YOU TWO MET!!!" You thought for a second, did you really like him so much that you stop working around him? You knew the answer but you didn't wont to think it was true. "I KNEW IT!!!HUMAN I GIVE YOU PIRMISSION TO GO OUT WITH MY BROTHER, BUT BE HOME AT 9:00! I-is this really happing...? Are you going on a data with some monster you only known for a day? someone is making you do this...(030)

LOVE!? | An U.S. Papyrus X Shy Reader fan fiction |iwannadieWhere stories live. Discover now