Umm....what now?

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*Sorry I haven't been uploading in a while, but isn't funny that I haven't finished the Valentine's day special? Welp her you go, a crapy fanfiction.*

Sans pushes you and Papyrus out of the door," GO! YOU BETTER HAVE FUN, AND TELL ME ALL ABOUT IT WHEN YOU TWO COME BACK!" Sans slams close the door and you just blushed awkwardly and so did Papyrus.......wait......HE'S BLUSHING!? DOSE HE LIKE YOU!? IS HE JUST NERVOSE!? YOU'RE SO CONFUSED! " wanna go to Muffet's?" You seen a placed named that when coming to SnowDin for the first time, so you said yes "Y-yeah, sure...Papy" You whispered the last part out of shyness, but he heard you. With your luck there was a 1% chance that he wouldn't have heard you. "What did you just call me?" He looked at you with a shocked, shy were frozen, did you do something wrong? D-did you make a mistake? Soon tears we're falling down your face out of......a wired feeling." K-kid are y-you ok?" You stood still tears still moved fast down your face and you could only studer out words"I-i-im s-so.......sorry...." Papyrus looks at you in shock again.......everything is silent........suddenly Papyrus hugs you "You don't have to be sorry over such a little mistake, that's what makes life its self." hug him a little tighter, puling him closer to you so you have a shoulder to cry on" You're too nice to a shy stranger like me, why not take me to Queen Torial to harvest my soul?" He gives you a warm smile "Strangers are people who have a chance to become your friend.......or even more......" You smile and hug him more, your starting to get more used to Papyrus and his lazy ways, he reminds you of yourself in a way "C-can we go...I mean to Muffet's?" Papyrus smirks " Shure 'kid'." You look in shock but you love him for his silly ways, and his puns ( If you hate puns why are you reading a US! Papyrus X Reader? A dare? XD). You cross your arms and look at him with a smirk, "Ok, if you're going to play these games count me in!"

IM GOING TO SKIP THE DATE, I'm sorry but this part is taking too long but I swear i'll make more parts. I'll also try making a one shot book with all the AUs I KNOW. ALL the rules will be put into the book so look over thare when I give an announcement that I made the book.

Word count: 435

Wow so many words....most words I have written anyways XD

LOVE!? | An U.S. Papyrus X Shy Reader fan fiction |iwannadieWhere stories live. Discover now