Chapter 6

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"What do you want?"

I looked up from the menu, "Uhhh...a lot of this is....spicey...."

Sans smiled, "I know, I like spicey."

"I know, Papyrus told me," I told him and looked back down at the menu. We had gone out to a  fancy Indian restaurant because I told Sans we could go wherever he wanted. Now I was looking at the menu and almost everything had spice in it, unfortunately, I didn't do spice at all.

"Maybe mild Butter Chicken," I decided.

He laughed, "Typical," he turned to the waitress who had been standing there for a good minute waiting for me to decide. "I'll have a lamb korma please."

The waitress nodded and walked away.

"How much spice does that have?" I asked him.

He smirked at me, "A lot."

I felt a heat rising in my face, remembering what Papyrus had told me about  Sans and his spicey foods. I attempted to hide it, but failed, Sans was grinning widely.

"Cat got your tongue kiddo?"

I opened my mouth, but no sounds came out.

"I'll take that as a yes," he laughed.

I pursed my lips in annoyance and crossed my arms. "You're an ass Sans," I snapped.

Still grinning he grabbed his up of champagne and took a sip. "Mm, you're really missing out on this, Frisk, it's so good!"

"You're teasing me, and there's no possible way I can have it," I frowned.

He laughed, "I'm sorry."

I sighed and put my head in my hands, my elbows resting on the table.

A hand grabbed my wrist gently. "Are you okay?"

I glared up at him, "Are you kidding me?" I snapped.

He looked taken aback, which was the only thing that pleased me the entire night. "This was clearly a bad idea, I'm leaving," I got up and left, fixing my dress as I went.

He was ridiculous, I thought he'd be better than this, I thought-

It doesn't matter what I thought, it's what had just happened that matters. Everything I had thought about him was out the window.

I sat in an alleyway, tears falling down my face. Now I was alone, without anyway of leaving this place because I wasn't going back to his house.

"You seem lonely and in desperate need of a friend," A voice from the darkness giggled.

I peered into the darkness, two bright red, glowing eyes stared at me. "N-no, I'm fine," I replied.

"That trashbag sounded like he gave you a difficult time," the voice said.

"I said leave me alone," I snapped.

"Temper, temper, hahaha, do you really not remember me?"

I squinted me eyes. "No and I don't care to find out....this is....disturbing me, I'm leaving," I stood up but a hand stopped me and covered my mouth. The face was too close for me to see who it was.

"I'll give you one warning," they growled, "After that I expect you to listen to me, very, very carefully." their hand raised, a knife gripped in their fist. It came flying at me and I felt a searing pain in my left eye.

I screamed loudly and pushed them off. I ran out and bolted down the street covering my face, I kept running until I ran into someone. I felt backwards, my hand still pressed against my bleeding eye.

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