Chapter 5

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It's the weekend after my first week and I'm currently getting ready for a get to together with Charlie. A few days ago she asked me to go out to lunch with her and then watch a movie she's been wanting to see at the theater. I'm so excited I can hardly think straight. How ironic.

I get a beep on my phone, expecting to see Charlie's name on it. As I pick it up, my jaw drops like a thousand bricks. My eyes widen with fury. I'm so shocked and hurt I want to scream. The person who just texted me was my dad. I was hoping I would never speak to that awful man ever again in my life. Yet here he is, about a year later reaching out to the daughter he kicked out.

My dad: Hey Alice. I miss you. Please come home. I forgive you.

Forgive me? For what? I have to text back.

Me: What on earth do you mean 'I forgive you'?

My dad: I mean your sin you made with Gabbie. I promise you I'll find the best therapist in the country. They will cure you. I want my daughter back.

He finally reached the boiling level of my rage. I chuck my pillow against my wall imagining it was my dad. I wish my father would die because right now I hate him with every bone in my body.

Me: Forget you had me. Forget you married Mom. I don't want you in my life and I don't want to be in yours.

I get another text, but this time it's from Charlie. She was saying she was outside my apartment door. I take a big sigh of relief.

"Hey Charlie is here. I'm leaving right now," I tell my mother as I walk into the living room.

"Okay. See you later."

I did my make up and outfit choice very carefully today. I usually just throw on the first clothes I see in my closet and put on some mascara. However, seeing a girl like this is too important to dress disgustingly.

As I smooth my shirt to check for wrinkles I take a deep breath in and out. I open the door with a nice friendly smile.

"Wow," She gasps. That gasp sounded so angelic I think I might faint.

"You look amazing," She finishes with a warm, soft smile. At this very second, my legs starts to feel like they are melting into the ground.

"Thank you. You look great too," I reply.

Charlie was wearing a pastel purple blouse with a black skirt. Her hair was curled in thick elegant waves which made the pink in her hair stand out even more. Her winged eyeliner popped out her luscious blue eyes. I was so stunned by her beauty I forgot how to speak. I thought of what my dad texted me a few minutes ago. How could this possibly be a hateful sin if I can't help how I feel around women? A tear streams down my cheek.

"Oh my, what's wrong?" She looks at me sympathetic.

"I... Got in a fight with my dad on the phone," I reply.

I wipe the tear off like it was nothing," Let's go!"

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