Chapter 6

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It's the next day and I'm currently lying on my bed while watching YouTube on my laptop. Yesterday with Charlie was the most fun day I've had in a long time. This is the first time in my life to be excited to go to school after the weekend. The reason why is because now I can be with Charlie for five days in a row. Honestly, I think I'm developing a big crush on her.

My mom started her new job recently, but sadly it's not up to her standards. She is an assistant in an office for journalists that delivers coffee to everyone. Journalism sounds a bit interesting, but only giving people coffee doesn't sound pleasing. I can tell my mom agrees with me when she leaves for work in the morning. She adores to write so she hopes she will help someone with a story. I keep telling her if she wants to write, she should tell her boss. For some reason she doesn't listen to my words which is a little irritating.

I get a call from Charlie on my phone which startles me because I'm in the middle of watching Pewdiepie playing a horror game.

Without any hesitation, I answer the call right away.

"Hey," I say.

"Hi. It's me," Charlie giggles.

"Yeah I know," I laugh slightly.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine. How about you?"

"Pretty good. My parents are planning a party next weekend. Would you like to come over?"

"Yeah sure."

"Yay! See you tomorrow in class."

"You too. Goodbye."

As I watch some more for a few minutes, my mom walks in my room and collapses on my bed.

"You okay there?" I ask her.

"I'm. Not. Oh. Fucking. Kay," She grunts. I can't help but laugh silently a little.

"Is that a My Chemical Romance reference?" She may have an alright tv show/movie interest with the hetero cheesy chick flicks, but her music taste is very emo.

"... Maybe," She whispers. I close my laptop and sit up straight. I look at my mom until she finally decides to tell me what is going on.

"I want to change my job," She frowns.

"Then change it."

"It's the only job that is available and gives out a decent amount of money."

"You're the parent, in the kid. I'm the one who is supposed to be complaining to you while you give me advice," I laugh.

"True. Your dad usually would tell me the right thing back when we were married. He was good at that," She sighs.

I open up my laptop and start to watch my video again. I just want to pretend she never said that.

"Oh my god. I'm sorry I said that," She panicked.

I just continue to stare at my computer without saying a single word to her.


"Let's not talk about that man. Please. He's dead to me," I snap.

"Okay, I understand. I'm so sorry," She walked out of my bedroom.

If you're wondering, yes I still feel guilty about splitting my parents apart. They were deeply in love before I came out. Yet again I want to forget I ever had a dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2017 ⏰

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