Gigolas Wedding pt.9 ♥The Wedding! (Part 2)

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Caterer: *approaches Thranduil* Your majesty, we have an unseated guest. Miss Melîna?

Thranduil: *furrows brow* Oh, I don't seem to recall her on the guest list, I suppose we'll have to put her over there, *points* it's the only free seat after all-

Caterer: *raises brow* -Really?

Thranduil: Well what else are we supposed to do? Now go and write her name on a card and put it over there!

Caterer: *rather reluctantly* Yes, your majesty.

Thranduil: *turns back around suddenly* -And get the overhead fans on in here, it's boiling! *wafts face*


Elrond: *sits down between Elladan and Elrohir* This is a nice spot, we're right near the front.

Elrohir: And we all know who's at the front *winks*

Elrond: *smacks him* Oh, will you shut up. I am never forgiving either of you for this..Ever!

Glorfindel: *leaning over to join conversation* Huh, what did I miss?

Elrond: -Don't!

Elrohir: *whispers to Glorfindel* I'll tell you later, it's brilliant.

Glorfindel: *grins*

Elladan: Where's Melîna?

Elrond: *looks around*

Elrohir: There! *spots her sitting in the only spare seat on a table occupied by mannequins* HA!

Elrond: -What on ARDA! *laughs*

Elladan: AhaHA! Why is there a table of Mannequins!?

Glorfindel: *grinning broadly* I expect some people cancelled and they had to fill the spaces somehow, seems like something they would do here!



Gimli: *chinks glass* I wish to make a speech!

Oropher: Oh, here we go..

Gimli: *stands up* Legolas, from the day I first met you I thought: 'Hot damn!' *audience laughs* But, yes, my pride at the time pushed that thought away. Over time I realised that sometimes you have to push your pride away in order to achieve what you really want.

Oropher: *leans into Thranduil* This is awfully poetic for a dwarf. Do you think he paid to have this written?

Thranduil: Shh, Ada.

Oropher: *blinks indignantly* Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realised the dwarf now holds priority over me!

Thranduil: *rolls eyes and turns attention back to Gimli*

Gimli: -You're my sun, my moon and my stars. If I'm ever down, I know I can count on you to make me happy again. To me, you are greater than all the riches in Erebor-

Thranduil: *mutters to Oropher* -Yes, he definitely had this written.

Gimli: -I love you with everything I am, Legolas. And I will not leave you 'till the day I die.

Oropher: *whispers* Thran, look, there's a piece of bacon in his beard..

Thranduil: *looks up and let's out a muffled snort*

Oropher: *starts giggling uncontrollably*

Thranduil: *holds hands over mouth desperatly trying to suppress laughter*

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