Chapter 43: Tortured pt. 1

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Merlia POV

The police were hard at work. But the "international police" which they were claiming were going to be arriving soon can 110% save the day. I was soon bright back to reality when I heard Christine burp.

"Christine!" Both Jhope and I shouted. The room paused for a moment but went straight back to work.

"Sorry..." Christine looked down looking sad. I patted her on the back. We were all worried. I was worried because it was such an irrational move that Caroline would make.

"You guys..." I saw Rapmonster approaching us along with The rest of BTS. I gave him a confused look."We need to save them. No matter what's the cost." He stated. Wow so dramatic and corny. I tried not to smirk.

"Hyung! That was a little dramatic!" Jungkook smirked a little bit soon went away when he saw Rapmon not laughing, or showing any emotions.

"I don't know what we can do though." I saw Rapmon walk away some what looking helpless. He left to another room.

"Sheesh that boi." Suga went after her. The rest of BTS sat down with us on the outside patio. I feel so...conflicted, everyone seems so guilty and tormented by this...

****at the same time****

Ashley POV

"Hello." The masked woman stated. She stared at me intently. "How does it feel to be tied up? Isn't it upsetting that this all happened because of Caroline and Nicoole?" She laughed. I looked down unsure what I'm suppose to be doing in this type of situation. She grabbed my head and forced me to look up. "When I'm talking you better pay attention.

"Why so I can look at your ugly mask?" I spitted back. She went silent for a moment, but then smirked again. I closed my eyes waiting to get slapped the way Caroline did.

"My oh my. Ace of Hearts really are sassy." She laughed again. The door to the room I was in opened and in came a man with a cart with a bunch of needles.  "This " She paused. "Is something that'll make you see some things... things you may not want to see. Maybe even Make you go crazy for a while." She stopped. "But don't worry once it wears off you won't dare to defy me, sass me, nor even dare to feel any emotions again." She laughed and left the man here with me, closing the door behind her.

"" I tried to tell the man to not touch me in any way but he obviously didn't know English. He injected me with whatever was in the needles. I soon fell asleep, for now thinking about Jimin.

Nicoole POV

I was in a dark room by myself, left alone with my thoughts.

"V, where ..."  before I could finish my sentence the door slammed open, and walked in was the masked woman.

"Don't you even say his name." She stated angrily. I looked at her confused and scared. "You don't deserve him!" She yelled at me.

I started to shake. "What did I ever do to you?" I questioned her. I could tell she was smiling.

"You probably don't recognize me do you?" She said. I looked at her and tilted my head to the side. She then proceeded to turn around and take off her mask.  When she faced me, I was hit with realization.

Caroline POV

"Namjoon..." I whispered to myself, wishing that he was here. No I wish that no one was here, this is hell.

I was heavily medicated with different forms of medication, which made me unable to move, think clearly, and made me feel as though I was starting to go crazy.

"It's impressive really." The masked man which walked into my room stated. "I expected it no less than from someone like you." He continued. I glared at him and tried to move my arms. "With all those medications I expected you to be passed out, or gone completely mad. But you can still even say a man's name which should no longer have any meaning to you." He bluntly stated.

"A name with no meaning? You must be confused. Namjoon is my boyfriend, someone I love." I said with all my might. The masked man laughed.

"If you loved him so much, you wouldn't have called Steven that night to ask for help to finding your friend Ashley." He stated.

"How do you know Steven?" I questioned. He started to laugh.

"Oh if only you knew." He continued laughing hysterically.

"You're a mad man." I stated. "That day when I called Steven, I knew he could of helped in the search. But he didn't even show up." I explained to him.

"Well maybe he did." He grabbed a chair and sat in front of me.

"No he didn't. And as for Namjoon, he understands why I called him. Which I have explained numerous times." I tried to shout.

"Well, Miss Caroline. Maybe it's time you go back to Steven" he stated.

"And why is that?" I rolled my eyes.

"Because I'm Steven." He ripped his mask off. My eyes widened in horror as I saw Steven. Blue eyes, which looked weary and tired but nonetheless it was him.

"What the f..."

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