Chapter 2

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'Well, not really little.' He thought with a raised eyebrow.

'Why is she on this website?'

He then sees a button where it shows her bio/story of why she is here.

"What's this?"


Alucard then clicked on the button and got himself comfortable in his chair. What he read on screen was an introduction most men, would think she would be easy fuck and leave, but her carefully worded sentences told him otherwise. Her writing on the top told anyone who read it, of her innocence, but if you look closer you could see the underlying threat and warning to those who looked closely.

He was almost impressed with the girl with blue eyes. She looked cute and child-like for a girl her age, yet her eyes told him of a different story. She looked like she has been a lot earlier in life. She almost looked like...

'No!' Alucard shook his head to get rid of those thoughts. 

He would not relapse into his dreaded memory lane. Not yet. He was not sentimental. He was the great monster, that would kill with no hesitation. He was not one of those poetic nerds from back then. He bit back a shudder at the times when he had to sit through one of those monasteries called plays that basically bored him to tears.

He types a message saying that he wants to meet with her and she can choose the time and place.

He turned off his laptop for the day and would see her response tomorrow.

The organization has become boring because there has barely any freak attacks and or any attacks at all. Hopefully, this girl could relieve some of her boredom.

He drifted to sleep on his chair thinking about the girl with those haunting blue eyes.

(Next Day)(Sera's POV)


"Ah~!" A mop of messy blond hair is slowly uncovered by the thick comforter as a pale hand slams down on the bane of humanity, named the alarm clock.

The young woman tries to fall back asleep, but the alarm already snapped her brain into waking up for the day and she groaned.

"I hate waking up by my alarm." Seras groaned and then she looked at her calendar and found out today was a Saturday.

"Ugh, even worse," She groaned, rubbing her head

Seras, then climbed out of bed and goes to take a shower and then eat breakfast on her bed, along with deciding to mess around with her laptop today.

As she was checking her email, sorting through all the junk, advertisement and special deals, she found a message from the website she got a membership on.

"Why did I get a membership on this website, anyway?" She asked herself 

'Oh yeah, cause I need money to pay for tuition for the police academy.'

"Whatever," Seras said while clicking on the link to the instant message and it read;

Dear Kitten or should I say, Seras Victoria?

And yes, I know your real name, I actually read your profile, and I am not messaging you for sex or because you are easy. I actually want to go on a date with you and I would be pleased if you will grant me the honor of doing so. Speaking of dating, where do you want to go? Choose the time and place and I will be there. Hope to hear from you soon.


'So the guy this time is old-fashioned, huh? Cool. That and he doesn't tell me his name and no picture. So, it's a blind date.'

"Okay, Mr. CrimsonFucker. You sound interesting enough, so I'll indulge you."

Seras then wrote a reply back.

Dear Mr. TheCrimsonFucker,

Your letter to me was very interesting and yes, I will go on a date with you. I am glad you asked me on a date and I would be honored as well. Since you asked me to choose, then we will go to a small restaurant to get together and see if you want to go any further with me. The restaurant is also part of a club, that is separated so you may have heard of it. If you haven't then its name is The Bleeding Heart. I will be there a week from now, so I hope to hear from you soon.

~Seras Victoria.

P.S.] Don't call me Kitten!

Seras satisfied with her response sent it to Mr. Crimson. "Maybe, this guy will actually make my night."

~Ending the chapter! Onwards to the next chapter!~

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