Chapter 2

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*Before *

" Hello Kaylee." Tony said somewhere in the room.


I knew exactly where he was, in the corner hiding in the shadows. I have really good hearing. I decided to play dumb because he might suspect that something's going on. Don't want that.

" Okay, Stark where are you!?" I yelled across the room.

I could hear him walking up behind me. He grabbed my shoulders and said, " I'm right here." I acted like he made me jump but obviously I suck at faking stuff. He chuckled. " Not scared as easily huh?"

" Nope." I said.

" Well then, Kaylee, it's now my goal to scare you." he vowed.

" You'd be dead before that happens." I said. He has no idea what that means.

" I'm gonna try until then, Kaylee." The way he is so determined to do so is kind of cute. What am I saying!? I made a vow to never love someone, especially someone I have to kill.

" I told you to call me Roe." I stated angrily.

" Why? Kaylee is a beautiful name. I prefer calling you Kaylee." Tony said.

" Whatever, Stark." I said.

" You can call me Tony."  he said.

" I prefer calling you Stark." I copied.

He laughed quietly. " Come on. Dinner awaits." he said escorting me to his... WOAH! That is a HUGE kitchen!

~ After Dinner ~

Dinner was SUPER YUMMY! I'm a vegetarian and he made me try some chicken and it was the greatest thing I've ever tasted in my lifetime!

Tony begged me to stay and watch a movie with him. I said yes. Those big brown puppy dog eyes made me say it. I honestly wonder how he is so bad. He's sweet and kind. He might be full of himself too.

Shut up Kaylee! I mentally instructed myself. You have to kill him!

The movie is almost over and I grow tired. Soon I drift softly to sleep on Tony's shoulder.


Hi guys!

What do ya think?

Do ya like Kaylee?

I tried to make it sappy, did I accomplish that?

What's gonna happen next?

Don't let the door hit ya on the way out! See ya guys later! :D!!!!

Do I look like I'm Kidding Stark? (Tony Stark FF)Where stories live. Discover now