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England just remember that he has all of the same classes with a certain EVIL FROG FACE! He just froze in the middle of the hallway, America felt in the back of his spin that there was something wrong with his Iggy. He walked towards him and asked him what was wrong. I have all  the same classes with him and the teacher makes me sit RIGHT NEXT TO HIM!!!! It's okay I am sure he wont try anything.
~France p.o.v~
I can't wait to see England during class he thought to himself then stop out of peer shock when he saw his England with that dirty American. He thought to himself  that he would just have to steal him away. It was the beginning of class and England sat down next to him so Iggy are you and America a thing now " w-what I don't know what you are talking about.
~No ones p.o.v~
The teacher was saying the boring same old same old as a instersing annocement came on it said that there was a shoting happening outside. Everyone started to freak out so England ran out of the class to find Alfred when he fell because someone tackled him that someone was France and he pulled him back to the classroom. Are you crazy are you trying to get shot!? No, I just need to find Alfred well to bad I'm saving your life
~ time skip~ 
It passed 5 hours of crying and fear when the inter comes said that it was over when everyone was about to let home they saw dead bodies everywhere England saw the worst one he saw Alfred shot on the ground bleeding about all of his blood out!

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