Dream scap

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After Alfred died Arthur just gave up on life he didn't even care to eat. So, him not caring about himself he went back to Francis. And you guessed it he got right back into the abuse. Francis loves the self-pity Arthur had for himself  and used that against him. Arthur was so done with his life, so he tried so many times to kill himself, but there was always a voice telling him not to do it, but there was no hope. And he says this because there isn't, Francis didn't want anyone to give Arthur the confidence to leave him so he killed his brothers in front of him. Arthur never knew why, just why would anyone do that to someone they love so much to force them into a relationship, and kill their family? This lead Arthur into a seer depression. Francis even brought the people he was cheating with around Arthur, they all torture him, and touch him, but hey like I said he just didn't care anymore.
~Arthur P.O.V.~
It was another cold, and bitter night Francis was out again going to cheat on me, get drunk at some club, come home, and hurt me, so the usual. I just thought for one moment that why do I stay why don't I run, why don't I just end it, now ending it that sounds amazing finally getting away from all the pain, and torture inside. ( Arthur don't do it, your better then this) the voice keeps saying over, and over again it's just terrible to the point were I lost count with all the tears, and the scars, I don't even remember how many nights I cry myself to sleep. Yeah, sleep that sounds good right about now that should calm me down. I fall asleep easily and I'm in a beautiful dream, which is rare now a days. I'm in a big, no huge place and it looks like I'm in some sort of galaxy, there are millions of free beautiful stars in the sky around me, and all of a sudden a man is calling my name I go towards him, but I stop to look at his features. He's a tall, buff man he's wearing leather clothing, and has leather wings with black horns ( oh, I forgot to mention he is in all black) he as black hair too, and icy cold blue eyes. He's so pale, and he looks and sounds like my lovable Alfred, but it can't be, so I am going to question the odd man, so what's your name I said, for some reason he look sad, disappointed even. I apologized for hurting his feelings, but all he did was hug me and said in my ear " it's okay iggy" , and I knew right then and there that this is MY Alfred. And the only thing I could do now was hug him, and of course cry my heart out which I'm use to now. I told him everything, and he told me that he is coming for me, and he is going to be in his old form, but still be able to turn into a demon ( just in case because you never know when you need to be a HERO!;) ) He asked about everyone, and of course I had to tell him especially about Matthew, and how he is married to Gilbert, and that Matthews pregnant! He was so happy, but he sadly told me that he had to go, and that he will come back for me, and that he loves me, and I definitely told him I love him back, but I asked him when could I see him again? He sadly told me in three months so I started to count down! Then as he left I sadly woke up till I heard Alfred's voice saying that, that wasn't a dream it was real! And Francis come through the door angry! Why are you smiling what is there for you to be so happy about whore. Yep that word WHORE oh how he did make me feel like one, even though he is, but I would never tell him that I'm to afraid of what might happen. Well are you going to answer me, or are you going to just sit there, then he slapped me so hard I fell on the ground crying. Oh shutup none cares about your stupid crying because none cares about you, you filthy piece of trash, he said that when he picked me up, and threw me against the wall. He beat me for the rest of the night, until I punched him in the jaw, and finally told him enough was enough. I am sick, tired of you WERE ARE FINALLY OVER!!!!!!! I feel so happy so alive again, until he told me that I belong to him, because he bought me! No, for real he bought me with money I legally belong to him, and for me to be free he would have to let me go which we both know wouldn't happen. He shoved me on the bed he was going to take something I could never get back from him, he was about to make me swipe my v-card. Well I mean we're married at least. He said that we're married that means it's okay to have a baby. And that's all I could remember everything went to black and in the morning I was throwing up. He did it he actually ruined my life he made me pregnant! I already know that these three months I have to wait, are going to be hell!
Hey guys miss me sssoooo I'm back! Did you like it, I'm just going to write on this device, so sorry if I scared you! What do you think I should do next, I do have a few tricks up my sleeve, but I'm not sure if it's enough for a plot so comment, vote, share, and follow me! THANK YOU FOR READING!!!!! ( side note PLEASE DON'T BE MAD AT ME SSSSSSOOOOOORRRRRRYYY) Oh yeah I forgot to mention I will be updating more because I have NO DAYS of school left so yeah!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2017 ⏰

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