Chasing Red

48 1 2

(A few spoilers)

By: isabelleronin

Over 132 million reads and 4 million votes

76 part story 


Description of book: 

When cynical straight-A college student Veronica Strafford gets kicked out of her apartment, notorious basketball player Caleb Lockhart offers her a place to stay. Intensely drawn to her, Caleb wants something for the first time in his life and pursues her. But Veronica's painful past is catching up to her, and her heart might just be the one thing Caleb can't win.

I'm the last thing she wants in her life. She keeps expecting me to disappoint her, to leave, but I'm here to stay. She owns me. It's as simple as that.

She was fire and I wanted her to burn me.

Like a moth to a flame, I could not resist.

She was broken. A puzzle that was missing a few pieces. Maybe I'd carve my own pieces to complete her.

They said she was going to be my ruin.

...then let her ruin me.


Honestly, there is a reason that this has been on the #1 spot for romance novels for a WHILE! When I started reading this, I couldn't stop. I was BLOWN AWAY! AND NOW IT'S GETTING PUBLISHED! *Happy dance*

So long story short, it all starts out with a young girl named Veronica who gets's sick after a club and gets driven home by some rich boy named Caleb. They later find out that they go to the same school together and Caleb lets her stay in his apartment. Veronica and Caleb both have their fair share of problems and a dark past, so what will happen when Caleb's crazy ex decides to make a return and causes more problems for these two beautiful people?

I've probably read this book about 100 times. IT'S SO GOOD AND IS A MUST-READ ON THIS APP!

My Rating:

99.9/100. I could barely find any flaws with this book.(I'm just not that much of a fan of the cover)

Cliché Rating:

10 being the most cliché, 1 being it's not cliché at all


It's a little cliché with the whole "roommates fall in love" and "crazy ex" ordeal but is still an amazing book nontheless.

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