Alpha Kaden

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Alpha Kaden

Genre: Werewolf

By: Midika

Over 14 Million Views

Over 550k Votes

45 Part Story

Smut Included!

This book is apart of a series!

Book Description:


"Riddle me this," a soft voice murmurs. My hands clench on the window sill.

"If I were to take you up to my room, right now, how long do you think it will take until this whole place hears you scream my name?"

An unprompted shiver runs down my body. Slowly, I turn around, meeting Kaden's eyes.


Mara always assumed her mate would be a man from her own Pack. A good man.

Not a sadistic, sinful Alpha named Kaden.

Alpha Kaden. He's a man of riddles and cryptic puzzles. His identity is one of them. His touch, another. And what he loves most in this world, is a game.

And one night, he steals Mara from her bed and makes her a player. When escaping his riddles means punishment, Mara finds herself questioning what is real, and what is not.

But that all changes, when Mara discovers the truth behind his touch...

My Review:

Okay, I'm not going to lie, it was hard for me to read this at first. Not only was the main character hard to relate to (in my opinion, of course. I'm not an innocent soul like her) but in the beginning, it sort of felt as if the author was romanticizing abuse (notice how I said "sort of", I don't think she meant to, it just sort of came off that way). I am a strong believer that if your man or woman harms you physically, verbally, or in anyway possible that you should dump their ass asap! 

Of course, as the story progresses you can see the raw love and passion they have for each other and how Kaden would go out of his way to protect Mara from his evil brother Coen. 

My Rating:


The whole kidnapping thing in the beginning is was made me drop the rating a little lower than the last three books. 

Cliche Rating:

10 being the most cliche, 0 being the least. 


If feel like the author did an amazing job trying to stay away from the normal werewolf cliches and tried to make it her own, but it still had that Alpha aspect in it that basically, every werewolf novel has. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2017 ⏰

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