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The shatter of glass;

Like a gunshot,

It breaks the silence.

Destruction of serenity,

An awakened terror.

The inner-child cowers in fear;

A desire to escape arises.

The outward adult stands,


Waiting for it to end.

Tears and rage combined;

Glass after glass,

Object after object;

They are tossed and thrown.

Shards of glass cover the floor;

Silent hearts crack,

With each break and shatter.

The terror of anger;

It fills the room.

Children hide away,

Cowered in every cranny,

In every corner;

Strong is their desire,

The desire not to be noticed,

The desire not to be seen.

Motionless in action,

Others watch,

Emotion filled eyes,

And inside,

Are quaking hearts;

Disturbed and conflicted,

Fearful are they.

Tears fall,

Loss of control,

Anger and rage prevails;

It destroys homes,

It breaks hearts,

Leaving a once peaceful life;

It is now in shards.

©Sharifah Zaid AlHadhrami, 2014

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