This Cage

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Note: This is an edit and repost of the original piece, which some of you may have already read.


It's wrong;

We know it;

We have no doubts.

This cage,

This confinement,


Has a hidden way out.

Trapped and confined,

None of us know;

Know where to go,

Or which way to turn.

Doing wrong because society decrees it so,

Avoiding the right;

Because they won't understand.

It's stifling;

We want to stand up,

Stand up for what's right,

But how can we fight?

How can we fight against what's ingrained,

What’s ingrained within our cultures and society,

Promoted as right?

I want to be free;

Free from the confinement and chains,

The confinement and chains of society;

Free from the cage culture has made for me.

How should I fight?

How do I stand up for what's right?

Freedom comes in the form of belief;

God will release us,

Release us from the cage society has confined us within.

A believer is a prisoner of this life,

But freedom will come.

We will be free...

©Sharifah Zaid AlHadhrami, 2013

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