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The dark figure moved swiftly down the deserted corridor only a silhouette in the gloomy light of his torch!
He soon reached his destination and slipped through a door to his right.  Within this door was not a room, but a garden! It was as dark and gloomy as the corridor outside but somehow different. It had a feeling of past greatness and elegance that seemed to have partly faded with time and had gained more of a spooky aura then anything else. There were trees all around their trunks gnarled and rough as a witches fingers, growing in odd twists and turns like a road that just can't decide what direction to go in.
The grass was dead and the clear patches of ground were carpeted with the thin ghostly skeletons of dead leaves which occasionally lifted gently into the air on the finger tips of a nonexistent breeze. The fountain in the middle was cracked and empty only a trickle of water ran down it's side. Extreme emptiness........ or not !!!
A strong breeze blew through and a voice blew in with it, deep voice echoing voice which filled up the room and smothered the silence.

"Does she know?" It asked
"No! " Said the figure
"She and her family know nothing!"
"Very well!" Said the voice
"She is the glue that holds my plan together but she could just as easily be the fire that destroys it so we must be very careful! Do you understand?"
"Yes of course! I will be very convincing when the time comes that it is all for the greater good!"
"Yes that is exactly what you must do but don't forget, she must not have any clues. We must keep her in the dark as long as we can for the letting in the light could be our downfall!"
"Yes of course, I understand. I will not disappoint you... not again!" Said the figure with an anxious touch of remorse.
"I will leave you now," replied the voice again in a cold but urgent tone
"but remember whatever you do she must NEVER find out about,
the boy!"
                             * * *

Hey guys it's Gemz here!
I really hope you enjoy this it's a bit random and confusing but I hope that's your vibe!
I hope  I don't really need to say this but just incase please be respectful and don't copy it!!!!
Ok anyway thanks for reading!

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