Paint splattered voices of times gone

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That afternoon I could think of nothing but symbols. I tried to paint in the solitude of the empty studio for hours, in attempting to finish a project I had due the next week but I had to keep stopping a doodling symbols and figures and landscapes from my most recent past flashbacks. Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. I guy in a long artfully tattered hoodie with a large faded picture of a girls face on it and baggy ripped jeans splattered with many colours of paint in a casual artistic way, approached me from behind. I could see his reflection in the glass of a framed photograph on the wall opposite me but his face wasn't clearly in view so who he was, I didn't know. I tensed suddenly as I always did when people came up behind me, especially people of the male variety and lent a little closer over my artwork trying pretend that I didn't notice or care about the stranger speculating my work. But as he came even closer my instincts kicked in and was about to turn to him when he spoke.
"Your art has improved loads over all this time!" Said the guy gently in his mellow, soothing oh so familiar voice.
"Jonas?" I gasped.
Turning around to face a boy who I hadn't seen in years, the boy who was now a man.
"What are you doing here?"
"Rèjana! It is you! I'm so sorry if I shocked you just... I have been thinking about you lots recently... and also I started painting here and well when I saw you in here alone I just couldn't resist saying hello... are you ok?"
"Jonas... I don't know what to say!"
"You don't have to say anything! But will you at least agree to going to dinner with me tomorrow there are somethings I really need you to know!!!"
"Umm.. I don't..." I began to say
"Just nod or shake!"
I turned fully around knocking my art folder to the floor and spilling its contents. As I set about to pick them up, Jonas knelt beside me and tried to help!
"Please Rèn, just say yes!!" He said pleadingly
"It's so important!"
"Just say 'yes'! " I hated that sentence it brought back some of my worst memories some moments that I can never erase, things I can never take back. But I looked up at him for a moment anyway and opened my mouth to speak as he scooped the last of my artworks up into his arms and saw his eyes suddenly start to burn with anger sand fright as he saw the top picture.
"Where the hell did you see this guy????" His voice scary, raspy and commanding
"Um just .. um in a lift once!"
"And so you just felt the need to draw him? Him, out of all the people you've ever been in a lift with???"
"YES!" I said defensively
"We NEED to talk, god you are in SO much trouble!"
I started packing up my bags readying myself to go.
"Ok!" I said
" tomorrow 6 o'clock cafe Manchester!"
"But..!" He stammered
"But, Right now I, need to go!"
And I left him standing alone by my empty easel looking more worried than I can ever remember.
I will regret that moment for the rest of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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