Send Your Letter

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"Dear, Gio." I wrote.

Nope. Too formal.


"To Gio."

But isn't dear the normal way to start off? It would not be great for Gio to already think of me as abnormal when he hasn't even read the letter.


"Dear Gio."

There. Its done. The greeting part of the letter. Now I just have to write words that tell Gio I like him without him suspecting my existence.

Although I'm very doubtful Gio knows me though.

Whatever. I just have to get this letter done and that will be it.

Done. Dee done done.

Seriously, I have to get serious.

"My beloved Gio, you may not know of me but I am deeply infatuated with you."

The fudge did I just write.



It needs to be serious but in a charming way not a pompous way. It should also be longer.

Wait. Is there even a charming way to write?

"Oh hey, yeah, I'm that girl you don't know but I'm super into you. So you wanna date?"

Now I just sound like a dumb blonde stereotype.




Okay, I just crumpled it into a ball and made a dunk to my trashcan.

It did not hit.

Oh well.

Internal screaming.

"Shut up!" Says my brother from next door.

Not so internal then.

Don't judge me. I'm on my period.

I groan, getting another piece of paper and writing Dear Gio on it. I grab my phone, texting to Lyza.

EverReal:How do you even confess in a letter?-seriously.

AddLietoZa: You don't. You do it face to face.- honestly, Everyl.

EverReal: Not gonna happen.- ever.

This is going to take awhile.

Dear Crush, I Don't Love You, I Just Really, Really Like YouWhere stories live. Discover now