1. Return Home. (Dipper)

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Dipper could feel warm tears sliding down Mabel's face as they took the bus back home. He put his hand on her head and whispered to her

"It's okay there's always next summer."

Mabel looked up at him.

"I can't wait that long though, I can't-". Her voice shuddered "-I can't be away from them".

Her voice is so heavy, that he can't help but feel for her.

"Well-" He said, struggling to find words. "-You got me... and Waddles."

A choked laugh comes out of mabel's throat. 

"Yeah, come here Waddles." She calls as Waddles bounds up to her, she nuzzled her head up to Waddles. "My little baby Waddles."

Dipper smiled at her and looked back at the note Wendy gave him, his hand instinctively tilting his hat. Even if he wasn't as emotional as Mabel he could still feel a heaving in his chest. Now they were leaving Gravity Falls. No more Gruncle Stanford and Stanley, no more Soos, no more Wendy. He couldn't hold it in any more. He clutched the note and began to cry. He felt Mabel put her hand on his shoulder, then after a second gave a crushing hug. They stayed there, together as the bus went on

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