3. High School (Dipper)

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An alarm clock woke Dipper. His eyes snapped open, first day of high school...Was that a good thing? Dipper walked over to Mabel, being careful not to step on Waddles.

"Mabeeeeel." He whispered, gently shaking her shoulders. "Mabel, it's the first day of high school, Mabel." Mabel's hands shot up and grabbed his head.

"Ahh!" Mabel hugged his head close to her chest, quite a bit like the numerous stuffed toys she owned.

"Mabel seriously!." He wriggled around, trying to wrestle himself from her grip.

"No." She muttered "Young unicorns will have to be contained within a mother's grasp."


Mabel's eyes sprung open. She gave a yell as she saw Dipper's head and immediately let go.

Dipper stood straight, rubbing his head.

"C'mon, we've got school." He said.

"Yes, and I am going to make it amazing first day of high school ever." Mabel declared, springing out of bed and rushing to get ready.

"I'm sure you will." Dipper smiled.

An hour later they were ready to rush of to school. Their mum pulled them into a hug.

"Good luck," she whispered.


Dipper and Mabel walked into their first class, mentor class. They'd be stuck with the teacher for the rest of the year. Dipper headed to a seat at the back but Mabel held back.

"Dipper, remember."

Darn it how did he forget, they did this thing every year where one would close their eyes asking for clues on what the teacher looked like.

"Right, yeah. I'll close my eyes." I thought about it "Does he wear a tie?"


"A black one?"


"White crisp shirt and......messy blond hair.?"

There was a pause

"Did you peep?" she questioned.


"Well, yes he does."

"okay, how bout blue eyes?"


"Brown with eyeliner.?


"....can I look?"

"of course."

Dipper opened his eyes, there he sat holding a yellow mug filled of coffee, just like he had imagined him. He caught his eye, there was something Dipper recognised in those eyes. Dipper tore his gaze away. He gestured towards his seat.

"Care for a seat, madam." I said in an old fashioned voice.

"Thank you dear sir," Mabel replied as she sat down.

They kept their cool for about five seconds than they burst out laughing. More people had arrived and were giving us a look. Dipper recognised someone who bullied him last year but after the summer he had endured, he couldn't care less. The teacher cleared his throat. Once Dipper and Mabel settled down he smiled at the class.

"Hello class, my name is Mr Cryptic and I am going to start this class by asking everyone to tell me how they're holidays were. I don't care if you stayed at home and watched movies or if you went travelling around the world, I want to hear it."

Dipper gulped, the twins exchanged a glance. What were they going to say?

By the time it had come down to their turn, they still had no idea on what they were going to say.

"Mabel and P-"

"Call me Dipper." Dipper said automatically

The teacher shrugged.

"Okay then, Mabel and Dipper Pines, enthral us with your tale."

They both slowly got up and walked to the front of the class. At this point Dipper was sweating, he felt Mabel grip his hand.

"Soooo." Mabel began

"This summer we went to a little known place called Gravity Falls to stay with our Great Uncle."

"Gravity Falls was an interesting place."

"Yeah, Really interesting."

Dipper bit his lip and continued

"They were a bunch of crazy people, and wild tales."

"Like the mysterious Gobblewonker." Mabel chipped in

"Yeah, and the haunted mini golf centre."

Dipper looked over to Mr Cryptic. Was it just his imagination or was he smiling at their discomfort. Cryptic caught his gaze

"Were there any truly extraordinary feats of craziness?" He asked

A crazed look reflected on Mabel's face.

"Yes!" she announced. "Weirdmageddon!"

Mr Cryptic smiled.

"I'd like to meet whoever made up that name." he grinned.

Dipper plastered a fake smile on his face.

"Yeah," he said. Silently panicking, why did Mabel have to say that?! "There was a... a mad scientist I guess. He created a giant machine and terrorised the town with it. The town rebelled and destroyed the robot," he grinned. "It turned out he just wanted some attention from his son, kinda sweet if you ask me."

Mr Cryptic nodded.

"Seems like an adventure," he said. Dipper knew that Cryptic, and the rest of that class for that matter, didn't believe a word of it but he still looked satisfied, so it was okay.

As they sat down, Dippers legs felt like jelly and as he put his hand over Mabel's leg he felt it trembling slightly. he began to realise how hard that would have been for her, being forced to remember something she desperately wanted to forgot. he immediately forgave her for blurting out weirdmageddon.

The rest of the day was a bit of a haze but Dipper and Mabel still had tonnes of fun, but as the bell rang for the end of the day Dipper saw Mr Cryptic staring at him with such malice and hatred, Dipper grabbed Mabel's arm.

"C'mon," he muttered.

Mabel gave him a confused look. He put on a fake smile and gestured towards Cryptic. Mabel widened her eyes. She quickly turned around and said goodbye to her newfound friends. They rushed back home, Cryptic's glare bouring into their backs.... 

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