2. Retold Memories (Mabel)

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As they walked back to the house Mabel could not think of what to say to their parents. She began to imagine the conversation

"Hey Mum and Dad while we were there we figured out that Stan had a secret brother, opened a portal, fought ghosts, gnomes, cursed wax figures, eye bats, zombies and more. we also stopped the world getting taken over by demons, nearly died countless of times, nearly ripped apart the universe..."

She gave a laugh. That would definitely go down well. Especially the part where we nearly die.

She looked at Dipper who gave her an encouraging smile. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. There was a shuffle as their parents rushed to the door. Mabel felt tears spring to her eyes as the door opened.

"MUM, DAD!" She jumped into their arms, wrapping herself in their warm embrace. "I missed you so much," Mabel whispered.

"We did too, pumpkin, or should I say shooting star," Her Dad laughed.

Mabel jumped back,  heart thumping. She looked over at Dipper who'd face had gone white. Her father's voice made her look back to him though

"Hey kiddo I was just joking, It's what's on your sweater, that's all." His face was distraught at her and Dipper's reaction.

Mabel looked at her chest and gave a weak smile.

"Sorry I-"

She was cut off as a yell emited from the area around her mother.

"WHAT IS THAT!" She yelled, pointing an accusing finger at waddles. Mabel giggled and picked him up.

"Isn't he cute," she said giving her parents a big grin, then took a sharp intake of breath. "Oh my gosh, waddles, I know where you can sleep. It's so perfect."

Her mum and dad gave each other a look. Before they could say anything Dipper ran over and whispered something to them. They looked a bit flustered but agreed to let Waddles stay.

"Hello bed!" Mabel ran into her and Dipper's room and flopped onto her bed. She laughed, nothing could ruin this. Dipper walked into the room, shutting the door behind him. He sat on the end of his bed. He smiled at her enthusiasm. Mabel sat up and looked at him, as she looked into his eyes she noticed a sense of unrest.

"What's up?" she said, but she didn't have to ask. It was rather obvious. Her memory flashed back to those moments. The amount of courage it took to taunt Bill. The chase, the threats Bill screamed, then that moment, trapped and straining as Bill held them, helpless, one of them was going to die. 

She gasped, fighting the urge to scream. Dipper grabbed her shoulders. She could see him also recounting those memories.

"Mabel, Mabel!" he said frantically. "Look at me." I forced myself to look at him. "It's okay." he muttered, pulling her into a hug. "It's okay." 

As Mabel's breaths began to return to normal her brother let go. Dipper looked into her eyes.

"We're okay, the mystery twins will not be defeated by a stupid triangle?"

Mabel laughed. A pure laugh. Then she remembered something very important.

"Dipper, I just remembered something." Dippers face fell.

"What is it?"

"We have school tomorrow."

The Return of ChaosOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz