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By this point, I was uncontrollably hyperventalating. Mr. Colin stood behind me, with his hands on my shoulders. He was breathing in for 4 seconds. Held it for 7, and released for 8 seconds. I tried to follow along, but there were too many thoughts racing through my head. Evan stood in front of me. He didn't say anything, but just stared into my eyes. Sandree walked out of the bathroom. I was focused on Evan. There was something hypnotizing about his eyes. They were a dark brown. They are usually cold, but right now they were warm, and glossy. Filled with more concern than I got from my parents. Sandree walked back in. I turned to look at him, but Evan grabbed my head. "Focus!" He sanpped. "Careful." Mr. Colin told him.

"Breathe." Evan said, calmer. I did. I breathed in. 1...2...3...4. held it 1...2...3...4...5...6...7.. out 1..2...3...4....5....6....7...8.. and repeated.  The other three boys stood behind me, and sandree reached over and handed my backpack to  the other teacher, Mr. Jordan. Both teachers along with Evan walked me up to the office. I sat in the chair as they called my mom. I wished evan waited with me, but he had to get to class. Lucky. Well, I didn't care about the actual class. I just wanted to talk to them. Evan got permission to use his phone, as did Jude, Sandree, and Brennen.

I honestly thought that Mom would be furious. but she was scared. She didn't want me to know. but I did. and I didni't blame her for being scared.

Secrets-Im so sorry but it had to be done 1Where stories live. Discover now