Mike Dirnt

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Yes, I know. Finally, they say, an update! I've been having trouble thinking of plots for my next one shot so I thought about taking a different approach. Hint, it will probably be a story line type thing. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy. Feedback on the new approach would be great also! :) P.S. Thanks for 21k reads!!

   It's cold this time of the year in Minnesota, you think to yourself, chuckling at the way your mother would have reminded you to bring a coat if she were here. You roll your eyes at the thought, but a smile welcomes itself to your lips. Even though you were twenty one and your mother had told you long ago that the little kid gig was up, you still found her calling you to remind you to wear a hat on cold days, or how to pay your taxes, or even how to dress and act for job interviews.

A shiver runs down your spine as the wind whips your hair around your face. You pull your cardigan closer around you and walk shivering, knowing that your thoughts had more or less caused the goosebumps to raise on your arms.

No! You couldn't think about him right now! He was unhealthy for you, a guy with no respect. Your abusive ex-boyfriend plays an image in your mind still, he's the reason why you moved to Minnesota.

"Damn son of a bitch, I could be enjoying the hot warm weather right now" You curse to yourself, but still feel the uneasiness rip throughout you.

You were still scared of him, scared that he would come back on day, escape from jail, get back with his gang, and send one of his buddies, if not himself after you.

You shake your head, stepping over the cracks in the sidewalk before walking up the steps of your apartment and sighing at the heater that just kicked on. You press yourself hard against the door; 13B, and it flies open. You curse again at the lousy living state, but you wanted to disappear for a while. You wanted to stray off the beaten path.

You kick off your shoes, pet the head of purring cat, asleep on the arm of the sofa, and walk towards the end table on the left side of the room. The landline blinks with a red light. Three missed calls. One of the calls you recognize as your mother's, the other a number you had called last week about a job interview. The other you didn't recognize, not even the area code.

You shrug, figuring it was just one of those annoying telemarketers. You yawn and decide not to call your mother back for the time being. You were too tired, at least that's what you were telling yourself.

You walk to the kitchen and heat up a bowl of ramen noodles from last night. You eat the quickly to satisfy your hunger and skip your shower. You curl up on you couch with your cat and stroke it's fur until you fall asleep.


You wake to the feeling of your wrist cold and moving. It was something metallic, you could tell, for it felt strong and heavy. What the hell was this? Some kind of dream? You open your eyes and blink a few times, not even fully awake to understand what's going on as you hear a fast clicking sound and that something around your wrist tighten.

"Wha-" Looking down with blurry vision, all you can make out is something circular, like a bracelet, and silver. You're yanked from the couch and you fall to your knees as you see you cat jump off the sofa and run into the hallway.

"Stand up, we're leaving" Nothing registers through your mind as whoever the person standing in front of you pulls you up. You cry out in pain and realize the strong silver metal around your wrist is a handcuff.

A handcuff? What for? And who put it there? Who was this person?

Your feet move because you're being dragged and you stumble down the steps, hitting your face against the person's tall, broad shoulder. You wince and cry, tasting copper in your mouth.

"What's going on? Who are you? What are the handcuffs for?" Surely, you must've been dreaming. The thought was the only thing keeping you from panicking right now.

The deep voice you heard previously doesn't answer you, just pulls you along harshly. The other handcuff he held tightly in his hand, the stranger dressed in black jeans, dirty converse, and a hoodie. The hood was over what you could barely see of brown hair, and sunglasses shielded his eyes as well as a dark scarf over his nose and mouth.

Then it hits you, thought of your ex-boyfriend. Of his gang. He had sent someone for you.

You scream and pull back, trying to escape but only feeling the handcuff cut deeper into you wrist. A reactive pull by the man sends you hurtling back towards him and the next thing you see is the beat up leather of the backseat of his car. HE hooks the opposite handcuff to the handle on the car's interior roof and slams the backdoor.

You scream and struggle and cry, pulling at the cuff and trying to get lose. But it was of no reward, you were trapped. The sky was still dark and how would some stranger know where you lived anyways? You had since moved from where you were when you and your ex were still together. Surely he couldn't know, could he? Of course not! This meant it was all a dream. Just some stupid dream, a nightmare.

The rumble of the car starts and your breathing escalates as you feel the car move. You close your eyes and breath in a few times, trying to ignore the cold metal that you could still feel around your wrist. You open your eyes. He's still there, the stranger driving the car all the way down main street as if this were normal. The clock on the radio reads: 3:46.

Closed eyes. Breathe in. Now out. Do it three times.

The car hits a rough pot hole and you jolt forward, your face hitting the back of the driver's seat. You groan and fall backwards, your eyes opening.

The time of panic comes when you realize it wasn't a dream.

So....that's part one of my Mike Dirnt part. If you've read down to here then you can pretty much tell that there's a kidnapping with some dark stranger. Which all of you have probably figured out who this stranger is by now, but there is more to come. So, I hope you all liked this. Let me know what you think!

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