Mike Dirnt (Part Three)

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Waiting to die wasn't as easy as it seemed, you thought as the brakes were pushed and the car jolted forward to a stop. Again, you taste that copper feeling in your mouth, blood from somewhere.

"I'm blind!" You scream, only seeing darkness and hearing the stranger's angry voice.

"You're not blind, open your god damn eyes! What the fuck were you thinking? Are you trying to get yourself killed? Or me killed?! I'm doing you a favor!" You open one eye at a time and realize that the stranger was right.

You weren't blind, at least not yet. Though your vision was blurry and you felt lightheaded.

When the car spun, your nerves went through the roof. Your mind was still spinning and you lean forward with a salivating mouth.

The stranger cringes and begins hurriedly looking for a bag.

"God no, don't puke in the car!" But it was too late for him to do anything.

He wasn't fast enough to grab a bag from the backseat, and he wasn't kind enough to have let you out of your restraints.

You hurl next to your shoes and hear him curse loudly before everything spins again and goes black.


You turn onto your side wherever you were, wondering if you were waking up from that terrible nightmare. A gasp registers through you and you sit up quickly, only getting a rush to the head. You groan a little, seeing that the handcuffs on your wrists were off. That was good. But this wasn't your apartment, and the circular marks around your wrist were still there with dried up blood.

You look around the room, finding yourself on a sofa in the middle of a modern looking living room. There were tall windows surrounding you, and posh looking furniture all around you. Everything looked like it came out of one of those Home and Garden magazines. Out the windows were trees, lots of them. No snow on the ground, but a chilly, gloomy day wherever the hell you were.

You assumed this was the stranger's home. It was posh and neat and tidy, something luxurious, but there was just something wrong. No pictures, not a thing out of place, not a particle of dust on the mantle over the fireplace. You touch your head and wince, deciding to leave that alone for a while. You imagined that you probably had a good sized bump there.

You stand from the couch slowly and wonder why your kidnapper had suddenly trusted you to roam around without your cuffs. Without being restricted to something. There had to be some kind of catch. Or was this a setup? Maybe he was testing you, seeing if you would run away and then kill you or punish you.

no, don't get ahead of yourself. You watch too many movies.

You close your eyes only for a second before resuming your walk around the quiet house. Another thing that was wrong, no television playing, no lights except for the sun peeking through the clouds, no footsteps or ticking clocks. What was with this place?

You quiet your footsteps and walk around the corner into something that resembled a gourmet kitchen. All stainless steel appliances. You narrow your eyes and ignore your growling stomach. Silently, you observe. In the middle of an island was a bowl of various fruits. Nothing was out of place like before, not even fingerprints on the handle of the fridge.

A shiver runs down your spin and you walk back to the fireplace in the living room. As easily as you can, you pick up the steel fireplace poker. (A/N: It's the long thing with a sharp point on the end. Hence: Poker :)). You hold it next to you and tip toe quietly through the house.

You walk past hallways and bathroom and bedrooms. The house seemed to big for one person. What if this wasn't even his place? What if he broke in and is a felon or something? Another shiver runs down your spine and when you see the doors that lead out to the balcony, the fear of being caught suddenly doesn't matter as much as it did.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2018 ⏰

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