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Ashely was surprised when she noticed Liam was no longer by her side, she was concerned for him and hoped the trio hadn't caught him. Slowly she feet returning in the direction she had come determined to find out his fate when she spotted a sole figure emerge from the woods. "Liam! Are you ok? Did they hurt you?" She asked rushing towards him looking for any signs that he may be injured.

Liam smiled at her pleased she was worried for him, "Nah, don't worry bout me, I'm tougher than I look" he said tilting his head in an adorable smile that made her chuckle and lightly punch his arm.

"Come on then, we should get to school, classes will be starting shortly" she smiled, Liam gave an exaggerated sigh and pretended to drag his feet like a child before tripping up pulling her down with him. She laughed and accepted his hand up as they continued their journey to Housten High.

Liam was bereaved when he discovered he would only attend two classes with his mate, those being English and History. Something nagged at him about those bullies, they had seemed somewhat familiar. They weren't wolves for he couldn't sense a wolf within them, instead he had found something more dark and dangerous within their aura and made a note to keep his mate away.
During her art class Ashley found herself paired up Tyson to complete their project which was 3D structure art. They had been tasked with recreating a famous monument out of paints, cardboard, glue, lolly sticks and cellotape. Tyson watched her carefully a tight frown on his face, "Why do you have to be such a teacher's pet?" He sighed looking disdainfully at her re-enactment of the leaning tower of pisa.

"Well unlike some, there are people within this school who actually want to learn" she snapped annoyance clear in her sharp tone.

Tyson looked at her with a faint smirk on his face "Well if you wanna learn so much Princess, then heed this one warning...stay away from the new kid. Or you will find yourself out of education quicker than you can protest" he warned his voice low and deadly. Ashley shivered and was thankful when the bell rang signalling the end of the day.

Her walk home was quiet, Liam was confused why his mate was so silent. "Is everything ok?" He asked looking at her in curiosity. Ashley smiled up at him and nodded her head causing his frown to deepen. The remainder of the journey went in silence until they arrived at Ashley's home. Liam bade her farewell before walking back home. He thought back to his mate and marvelled at how confused he was before his thoughts transferred onto the bullies and he realised just what they were.

'I'm coming mate, I will protect you!"

Ashely walked to her room glad she was finally home. Opening her bedroom door she froze at the sight before her, Tyson and his two henchmen were sitting in her room. "W-what are you doing here? H-how did you get in?" She asked backing away as Tyson approached her with a stoid expression
"I wont let him take what's mine!" He growled pushing her down onto the bed, his eyes changed to a glistening red that gleamed with hunger as he leaned over her brushing aside her long red hair and grasping her wrists to prevent her struggle, two of his front teeth elongated, Ashley didn't have time to scream before he placed his fangs into her flesh releasing his poison into her blood flow.

'You're too late wolfboy'

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