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Ashley woke up on the cold barren floor, her neck and limbs ached from sleeping on a hard icy cold surface and she longed for the softness of a warm bed. She had been down in the cell for weeks and her hopes of being rescued by her wolf had long since began to fade. All that was left of her reality was darkness.

Scanning her eyes across the room they landed upon a single dark black rose with a note attached to it. Cautiously she approached the rose to feel it leathery soft petals and taking a gentle sniff she inhaled its sweet fragrance before casting her eyes towards the note.

Feel free to wander, the doors and window are locked and even if you manage to escape, Daniel has cast an enchantment to prevent you from getting further than 10 meters from the house. We will be back shortly.

It was then Ashley realised the chain had been unlocked, pulling her foot away from the horrid metal she slowly stood up shaking slighty, she hadn't stood up in ages as the chains had stopped much movement within the cell. Regaining familiarity on her feet she slowly began to walk towards the door letting out a silent cry of joy when the handle opened freeing her from the darkness.

She found herself running and grabbing and attempting to open the door, however as proof of the note it was locked. She let oit a small frustrated whimper before walking and picking up a chair she attempted to smash the nearest window yet some enforcement ended in the chair being destroyed instead.

Falling to her knees she released a long with-held sob of disappointment and anger. She longed to feel the breeze again and hear the birds in the distance. To feel the sun's heat on her skin and smell the flowers once more.

As she filled with rage she picked up a knife from the kitchen determined to get out. She ran back to the door and picked the lock, it took hours but soon she heard the satisfying click and watched as the door swung open before running outside. She embraced the outdoors once more before deciding it was her chance to run away to freedom, but once she got 10 meters she found herself back in her open cell. With a cry of protest she ran back out and tried again only to have the same thing occur. Frustrated Ashley punched the door wincing as pain emveloped her. With a small sigh she walked out and lay down on the grass, the gentle breeze rocking her to sleep.

As night enveloped the skies Tyson and his duo returned, noticing Ashley curled up on a bed of daisies Tyson smiled and gently picked her up cradling her in his arms. "You always were stubborn Princess" he whispered carrying her inside and placing her on the bed in a spare bedroom smiling as she cuddled into the pearl white covers.

MY WOLF(completed)Where stories live. Discover now