What did you do?

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"Hey!, I heard from some people that you were hanging out with Chris all day, yesterday!,so what did you guys talk about?,what did you two do all day while Kaleb and I weren't in school?", Ariana asked, constantly wanting to know,with her nosey self.

"We didn't do nothing much!... We just chat all day and got to learn about each other!, surprisingly,hardly teachers were in their classes and he saw me with no one to hang with for the day,so he offered to hang with me!...",I replied ,telling her everything while walking down the hall,to our classes,with our books in our hands.

"What?, that's it?,no coming close watching in his eyes, holding hands,no Smoochies?",she asked, curiously.

"Girl!, I've only known the guy for a couple of days now and you expect me to do all that and getting all up in his face for a kiss?, I'm not desperate you know!,these things take time and I'm not rushing myself like that for a relationship that may never happen!, besides,if he's into me I'd obviously know!",I said, explaining.

"Really?, how'd you know?",she asked.

"Ugh!,you sound so nosey like my mom when I brought Chris over at my house!",I blurted out,by mistake.

"What?, wait!,you brought him over to your house and your mom was home?,what did you bring him over for?",she questioned me,while having a smirked look on her face.

I turned,to look at her and I could instantly tell that she was going to imply something... " I know that look!,you always watch me like that right before you-".

"Awe!,you brought him home to see your mom!, That's so sweet!,and you said that you were going to be friends for a while...Tsk tsk !",she said interrupting me.

"Hey!, don't let that thought float up in your head and let your imagination take over!,I only brought him over to my house to get some after school lunch with me!,it was the least I did,since he walked me home and chatted with me!",I said, slapping my forehead.

"He walked you home too,ooh!,he walked you home!,he walked you home!",she implied jokingly, acting like a kid.

"Really?",I asked,with a funny sour face.

"What?", she asked, grinning.

"You know, you're one weird , crazy friend right?",I asked rhetorically.

"Yep!, every friendship will always have someone like me,but you still love me!",she stared, giggling.

"Of course I do!, you're my best friend and nothing ain't gonna stop that!",I replied.

"Just beside the topic, why were you and Kaleb not in school yesterday?,you can be honest with me!",I questioned, curiously.

"Oh you don't want to know that!,why are you asking that?",she responded, sounding like she didn't want me to know.

"I asked because of curiosity,and if you're afraid to tell me,just know that we are best friends, there's no need to be hiding stuff from me,you can trust me! ",I said, reassuring her.

"Whew!, alright,since you want to know and we are best friends, I'll tell you,but promise that you can't leak anything to anyone, especially Kaleb!,okay?",she said, pulling me aside,to tell me in secret.

"Okay!, yes!,I promise you that I won't tell another soul about what you are going to tell me!,I cross my heart and if I do,slap me!",I reassured, while thinking about the situation. I was getting the strangest idea,that I knew what she was going to tell me,but I wasn't sure,so I closed my thoughts and listened to what she had to say.

"Okay!,the day... when you, Kaleb and I were hanging out with each other for the whole day,and when I told you that Chris wanted to talk to you and stuff and we went in class, and you looked at me,wanting to know what Chris wanted to talk to you for,and I said I don't know,which I was,but at the same time ignoring you, it was because Kaleb and I were texting flirty,love messages!. He said that he had a big long crush on me and he didn't know how to tell me!. He said that he dreamed of kissing me and stuff!... I didn't know what to say at first, because I was sorta into him too,so hearing that he liked me and him knowing that I liked him was a big surprise to each other!. He asked me out for a date,to kinda discuss our feelings for each other,when did it happen and how and stuff. That's why we didn't come to school!. We were just not sure to tell you yet, because we weren't sure if these feelings were real or a temporary thing...So do you understand?",she said, nervously, twirling her fingers in her hair.

"Woah!,what?,I never pictured you two together!, This is like a new surprise to me!, I'm shocked and don't know what to say!, I kinda knew I had my thoughts of how you two would end up with each other, because how you knew one another before you guys met me,but I just thought I was thinking that a little too far-fetched,but I never knew that to be true!",I responded, trying to wrap my mind around the story that I just heard.

"Are you mad at me for not telling you?",she asked.

"Heck no!, I'm glad,just surprised!,and you were playing that you're giving me dating tips,see what happened! (wink*)",I said ,nudging her shoulder playfully.

"Oh okay!,are you sure you won't leak a word to anyone?",she asked,to be certain.

"Hey!,I promised!,I never break my promises unless they were promises to myself!...But you know I'm going to tease you for ignoring to tell me right?",I said, smirking.

"Awe really?",she asked, laughing a bit.

"Yes I would,but not in front of your boyfriend!, Heh!", I joked, while we both continued to go to class.

Unnoticed Feelings (It's Just You And Me)Where stories live. Discover now