Chapter 1: Little Brother

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IMPORTANT: I don't own the picture!!!

It was a cold, rainy night and the wind was chilling while two hedgehogs were waiting patiently for  someone in a room.  A two year old black and red hedgehog was sitting on his fathers lap in a waiting room of the hospital. He still didn't really know what was going on because he was awakened in the middle of the night. "Daddy, where is mommy?" the young boy asked. "She's in one of these rooms Shadow. You can see her as soon as your little brother is born." the black hedgehog replied. He had black fur and a tuft of white fur on his chest. He had green eyes and wore brown trousers and a green shirt. His eyes never left the doors his wife went through before she disappeared with the nurses. He would had loved to be on his wife's side but since they had to take Shadow with them he wasn't allowed to come with her. "Okay" the young hedgehog, now known as Shadow, said, still a bit confused and yawned cutely. Shadow had black fur and a tuft of white fur on his chest like his father. Shadow also had red stripes on his arms, legs, on his quills and right above his eyes what is similar to his mother's fur. Shadow also has the same red eyes as his mother and he still wore his red pajamas. "Looks like someone is tired." Terios, Shadow's father, said. "I'm not 'Shadow put his little hand in front of his mouth and yawned cutely' tired." Shadow replied and rubbed his eye with his other small hand. Terios chuckled and Shadow crossed his arms. "What's so funny?" the kid asked and his father stopped laughing. "You can barely keep your eyes open. Go to sleep. I'll wake you up as soon as we're allowed to see your mother." Terios said and smiled at his son. "Okay" Shadow said, finally letting sleep take over him and he cuddled into his father's stomach. Terios put his jacket over Shadow, using it as a blanket for the kid and also gave his arms protectively around his son.  

*time skip*

Terios was barely able to keep his eyes open too but before he could get in the wonderful world of dreamland, the doors flew open and a nurse came up to him. "Are you Terios the Hedgehog?" the nurse asked. "Yeah, that's me." the black hedgehog replied. "Congratulations, you have a beautiful and healthy son." the nurse said and smiled at him. "Can I see my baby and my wife now?" Terios asked with a big smile. "Sure, follow me." the nurse replied.  Shadow was still asleep as his father shook him carefully to wake him up. "Shadow wake up, I'm sure you wanna see your little brother." Terios said and Shadow slowly opened his eyes. The older hedgehog stood up and made sure that his son didn't fell out of his hands. Shadow yawned and rubbed his eyes with his hands. "Where are we going." Shadow asked tiredly after he managed to open his eyes. "We are meeting your mother with your new little brother now." Terios said and Shadow's ears perked up. "Really?" Shadow asked excited and with a big smile on his face. "Really." Terios replied and rubbed his son's head. "Put me down, put me down. I can walk by myself." Shadow commanded and his father chuckled. "Fine but stop fiddling around before you fall out of my hands." Terios said as Shadow started turning around in his father's arms. "Fine." Shadow said and Terios put him down on his own two feet and took his hand for avoiding Shadow to run off. "Here we are. I wish you good luck with your knew family member." the nurse said and walked off. Terios knocked on the door and opened it slightly. "Shadow!" Terios said as the small hedgehog suddenly pulled his hand out of his father's grip and ran into the room where his mother was supposed to be. Terios opened the door and saw Shadow standing on the side of hospital bed and looking at his little brother with interest. His mother Sapphire smiled at her older son as she hold a small hedgehog in her hands. She had blue fur and red hair and eyes. Like Shadow the female hedgehog also had red stripes on her arms and legs. "Hi." Sapphire said happily as she saw her husband. Terios walked beside Shadow and looked happily at his newborn baby. Sapphire handed the baby to Terios and the small hedgehog opened his eyes as he was suddenly moved away from his spot. "He's beautiful Saph. And he has my eye color." Terios said proudly. "Daddy, can you put me on the bed?" Shadow asked suddenly because he was too short to climb into the bed by himself. "Sure." Terios replied and handed the baby hedgehog back to his mother. Then he took Shadow and placed him on the bed next to his mother. Shadow looked interested at his little brother. He had blue fur and green eyes. The young hedgehog looked back at Shadow with interest. "What's his name?" Shadow asked as he crawled closer to his mother and brother. "I was thinking we could name him Sonic." Sapphire said. "That's a nice name Saph." Terios said and kissed his wife on the forehead and then stroke his baby's head. "I like the name too." Shadow said with a smile. After five minutes of family cuddling Shadow got tired and yawned once again. "Looks like someone's tired." Sapphire said and grinned at her older son. Shadow nodded and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Dad, can we go home now?" Shadow asked with a tired expression. Terios chuckled and rubbed Shadow's head. "Sure we can. See you tomorrow Saph." Terios said and took Shadow who barely could keep his eyes open. "I'll be fine. Until tomorrow Terios." Sapphire said and kissed er husband on the cheek before he left with Shadow in his arms.

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