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I woke up smiling.

Sam was still asleep and still gripping my hips. Slowly, I slid out of his grasp and stepped into the hallway. "Hey Kyndell, have you seen Sam?" Kian asked as soon as I stumbled out of my room.

My face must've givin it away because Kian burst out laughing. I tried to shut Kian up, but it was too late. Jc and Ricky both had stuck their heads out to see what was happening. I'm head over heels for Sam, but the boy has horrible timing. He chose that moment to walk out of my room with total bed-head and no shirt on.

Kian laughed harder and was quickly joined by Jc and Ricky. I rolled my eyes and listened to the boys congratulate Sam. I went back into my room to start my confessions video.


"Hey guys! I realized that you don't really know me, and that's really sad! I'm going to do ten confessions about myself,"

After nine confessions including my fear of cats, how I'm allergic to oranges, and my obsession with Disney movies, my final confession spilled, "I know that you saw my other video where I admitted I had 'someone speacial'," I winked into the camera, "So for my last confession... I confess... I'm dating Sam Pottorff!"

I smiled into the camera and was about to turn the tape off, but something was eating me alive. I sighed and decided to confess one of the biggest, most embarrassing parts of my life. "I wasn't going to say this, but I want to be totally honest with all of you, even if it's not so great,"

I took a deep breath and rolled up one of my sleeves, "Yup, it's kind of self explanatory. I'm not living the perfect life that you might think I am,"

After a few seconds of silence a forced smile broke across my face, "Thank you all so much for supporting me, I love each and every one of you! See you next time!" I waved and turned off my camera.

A few minutes later, I uploaded my video onto YouTube even though I knew I was going to get tons of hate. I was relieved I didn't have to feel like I was hiding anymore. Sam came up to my room a few minutes later and sat down beside me.

"Are you sure you wanted the Internet to know that?" He asked as he settled down beside me on my bed.

"I felt like I was hiding. I just needed to get it off my chest," Sam nodded, understanding. He always understood.

I pressed my lips to his and he responded immeadiatly. His arms wrapped around me and he deepened the kiss. I let my hands travel to his face and then to his hair. My whole body was buzzing with a golden pulse, and I didn't want it to stop. I heard a click and someone yell "This is SO going on Twitter!"

I couldn't help but feel annoyed as Sam and I broke apart. Ricky stood in the doorway laughing. "I was going to come say congrats, but I can see that you're already celebrating," Ricky chuckled and closed the door. I sighed and flopped down on my bed.

"We have NO privacy!" I whined into my pillow and heard Sam laughing. "We're YouTubers babe, it's in the job description,"


For lunch Katheraine wanted to go to the mall, rambling on about the upcoming 'party of the year'. "We have to get the perfect outfits! Everyone who's anyone will be at this party!" I droned Kat out as she rattled on and on and on...

We found our outfits scattered throughout the mall. Even though I wasn't the partying type, I was starting to warm up to the idea of being with Sam in public. Katheraine demanded that we eat at Aunt Annie's, which by the way has the most amazing pretzels ever.

We didn't get home until seven thirty, and you could hear the O2L house from across the street. Kat didn't even bother knocking and just stormed into the house yelling, "TURN IT DOWN! THE NEIGHBORS ARE GOING TO CALL THE COPS!" The blasting music decreased immeadiately. Jc came downstairs and pulled Kat onto the couch with him.

"Sam! I'm done borrowing your girlfriend!" Katheraine yelled, snuggling into Jc's side. Sam trotted downstairs.

"You're like an hour late," He complained to Kat. His strong arms wrapped around my waist, "I hate sharing you," Sam whispered.

"You guys are totally in the cupcake face." Connor said, walking in with a mug of coffee. He fake gagged and plopped down on the couch, wiggling between Kat and Jc. We all ended up huddled around the T.V. watching South Park.

"You killed Kenny, you bastard!" Kian yelled after the show went off.

Katheraine and I decided to stay over, begging me to sleep in the living room with her. Of course Sam argued, but Katheraine never lost an argument.

I kissed Sam goodnight, pulling blankets out of the hall closet. He brought me a few pillows and left Katheraine and I alone. She turned on Pretty Little Liars and I started to drift to sleep.

I couldn't help but love the way my pillow smelt just like Sam, lilac and honey.

Like perfection.

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