People in Love

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When someone is in love, you expect them to write happy poems. You expect them to sing of love and be overly happy. Well not everyone is the same and not every love story deserves constant praise. Love and relationships demand attention, work and effort, that some people just can't figure out. Then other people are just so self absorbed that they don't think of the other person and the only thing they can think about is how much they hate themselves and how much they're life sucks and not put any of her actual emotion in the phone to ask the other person how they are....Did you know that....we haven't even asked each other how we were in so long...I think I just realized that. Sorry I made this about myself again. Let's begin again.

is sweet
is gentle
is fucked up
is complicated
is a lot of emotions put on the line
giving them the ability to completely destroy you

You shouldn't tell people that you'd die if they left you
Because if they ever feel like they need to leave
They wont, because they're afraid
Then you're stuck in a relationship with someone who doesn't want you anymore

People think this shit is poetry
Don't you see I'm just some idiot on a keyboard
Ranting to people who don't give a shit
Because no one else will hear it

back to love
is fields of flowers
in the spring they're in full bloom
baby animals prancing and playing
a soft stream bubbling

Fall comes
Things start getting darker
Things are dying
But they are still so beautiful
The color of the leaves as they fall and litter the ground
The flowers replaced by leaves and mushrooms
The stream still bubbles with fish still thriving

Winter hits
The sky is dark
Everything is dead
The stream is frozen
There is frost littering the ground
The animals are gone
It's so cold you can't move

Then it snows
and you watch as the beauty covers the ugliness of death.

A constant cycle of spastic feelings
Chemicals flowing from your brain through your body
That's the truth about love

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