Bottom of the Pool

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I lay at the bottom
Testing my limits
My throat starts to burn

I feel like I can't hold it any longer

I watch the sky through the water
Drowning only seems scary to those who fear death
I close my eyes and listen to the soft movements
Everything is so muffled under the water

So peaceful
So calm

Letting myself float to the surface
I float at the top enjoying the sun on my skin

I refill my lungs with the missing air

As soon as my ears clear the water I can hear all the chaos again
I lay my head back in the water and ignore the party

In the water I am weightless 
In the water I am happy
In the water I am home 

I fill my lungs again 
Slowly breathing it out
Letting myself sink back down to the bottom
I open my eyes and watch the water flow and mix with the sky

I can't help but smile and close my eyes again

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2017 ⏰

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