Chapter 7 "Nat's Apartment"

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*Kenzie's P.O.V*

"Well," Nat sighed. "Here we are!"

I smiled at him. "Nice place you got here!" I said.

"Thanks Babe," he said. "So, what do you wanna do?"

"I don't know," I said.

"Wanna watch season 3 of the Naked Brother's Band with Me?" asked Nat.

"You have season 3 on DVD?" I asked. Nat nodded. "Lucky," I said.

"We could watch something else if you want-" said Nat.

"-No, let's watch it! I haven't watched this season for years!" I said.

"Alright," he said putting the movie on.

Nat sat down next to Me on the couch & rested his head on My shoulder. I could feel him breathing down My neck, getting a little bit sleepy. After a while, the "Valentine's day" episode came on & both of us were passed out. I eventually got up to use the bathroom, trying not to wake Nat up. I got up & off of the couch & covered Nat up with a blanket.

As I got out of the bathroom, Nat woke up. His hair was all messy, but cute in a way.

"Hey, sweetie!" I said.

"Hey," Nat yawned. "Aww, is the movie over already?"

"Yeah," I said as I kissed his cheek.

"Kenzie, what time is it?" Nat asked.

"I don't know," I said. "It's getting dark, My parents are probably worried sick about Me,"

"Would you like Me to take you home?" Nat asked.

"I don't want to leave," I said.

Why don't you text your parents that you're staying at your friend's house?" asked Nat.

"Or, I could tell them that you are helping Me write a new song?" I said.

"I like your idea better!" said Nat.

I smiled at him. "I know!"

*A few hours later, Kenzie stayed at Nat's apartment. Her parents were okay with her staying there as long as Nat protects her.*

*Nat's P.O.V*

"I'm glad that your parents let you stay over," I said.

"Me too Nat," said Kenzie.

My tummy started rumbling.

"What was that?" asked Kenzie.

"My tummy," I sighed. "I'm getting a little hungry."

"Same here," said Kenzie. "Wanna get Mcdonald's or something?"

"Sure," I said.

Kenzie & I walked out of the apartment. It was pretty cold outside. I put one of My sweatshirts around Kenzie to keep her warm. When we got back from Mcdonald's, We ate up all our food, & I sat down on he couch. Kenzie came & sat on My lap, kissing My lips. I kissed her back, running my fingers through her hair. Thank god she's not a mannequin! We kissed for a really long time, until I heard My phone beep. I got a text from someone, I didn't know who it was. I ignored it. I wanted to keep kissing Kenzie, more & more. My phone beeped again. Kenzie stopped kissing Me, she looked at My phone, wanting to know what was going on.

"Nat, why does your phone keep beeping?" She asked.

"It's probably just My parents just checking in on Me," I said. "Nothing to worry about."

"Oh, Okay." said Kenzie,as she continued to kiss Me.

"Let's go in My bedroom," I said.

"Carry Me," she whispered.

"Okay." I said, picking her up.

I took her into My bedroom, still kissing each other's lips. I took off My shirt & so did she. I can't believe that we were doing this! I mean, it was nice, but, what if the press finds out about Kenzie & I? What if the staff from the singing camp finds out? What if Kenzie & I start doing something else besides kissing? Well, who knows? At least Kenzie & I are happily in love!

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