Chapter 47 "The Torture Chamber"

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*Later that night, Nat couldn't sleep at all. He felt really bad about what had happened to the triplets. He wanted to go looking for them again, but he didn't want to leave Kenzie all alone either. This was a really tough decision that Nat would have to make.*

                                                             *Nat's P.O.V.*

Kenzie & I kept having awkward silences all night long. I knew that she was upset about the triplets being kidnapped. As she fell asleep next to me, I just stared at the ceiling. My eyes were full of tears. I really want to go find my sons right now, but then again, I don't want Kenzie to be worried about me either. I turned to my right side, seeing Kenzie facing the other way. I quickly closed my eyes as more tears began pouring out. I need to try to make myself feel better, but how? There are a lot of people that would make themselves somewhat feel better by cutting themselves. I'm not that kind of guy. I mean, sometimes I do have days where I'm just feeling like shit, but it doesn't get to the point where I want to harm myself. But now, it seems that I have no choice. 

I quietly sat up on the bed & walked to the bathroom. "Hmm," I whispered to myself. "Where did Kenzie put my razor at?" I searched through every suitcase. My razor was nowhere to be found. I looked on the bathroom sink & saw Kenzie's little bag filled with make up & feminine products. In a little plastic bag, I had finally found it. This was it. My first time cutting myself. I know that this wasn't the right answer to solving my problem, but right now, I don't give a fuck.

Before I took the opportunity, I glanced at Kenzie. She was still fast asleep, which was a good sign, I think. I slowly put the razor to my wrist. Well, here goes nothing. 

"Ow!" I whispered again. I looked at my wrist. It was bleeding intensively. I took some deep breaths, & felt drops of sweat dripping from my forehead. The razor was covered in blood. I cleaned it off, got a couple band aids to cover up my scars, & went back into the bed.

I checked my phone to see what time it was. It was just about three thirty in the morning. I yawned, running my fingers through my messy hair. I was tired, but I couldn't sleep. I didn't want to sleep at all because I was still really worried about the kids. I was too exhausted to get up again. Turning to my right side again, I rocked myself to sleep.

Once I had fallen into a deep sleep, I had the most terrible dream that a father could ever have. The kids were locked up in dog crates, with no food or anything. Justin was beating them to death by a whip, & he was carrying a gun. By the time I had come to rescue them, it was too late. I was woken up by Kenzie shaking me. 

"Nat, what's wrong?" she asked. "Why are you shaking the bed & talking in your sleep?"

I wiped the tears coming out of my eyes & looked at her. "I had the most awful dream," I said. "It was about the children."

"What happened?" she asked.

"Justin was beating them to death!" I said. "Kenzie, I have to go find them!"

"But how will you find them? We don't even know where they are," she said.

I sighed. "I don't know,"

Kenzie rubbed my back. "Do you want to go out & look for them now?"

"Yeah," I said. "But I don't want to leave you here by yourself."

"I'll go with you," she said.

"What if you get hurt?" I asked.

"I'll be fine, I promise," she said.

"Should I text Alex & my dad telling them where we're going?" I asked.

"Probably," she said.

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