Night Time Habits That You Need to Break

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1. Not taking off your makeup
Not taking your makeup off can make your pores clog up with the grime on your face accumulates with the makeup making bacteria grow. Just try to take your makeup off each night, and if you're too tired, take it off with a quick swipe of a makeup wipe. You'll see the results.
2. Pulling your hair too tight
When you pull hair too tight, it can cause hair damage, and in some bad cases, it causes a receding hairline. Let your loose, or put it in a loose braid.
3. Checking your phone
Yeah I know, you just want to check Twitter for 5 minutes. But then that turns into 10 minutes. Which turns into 20 minutes, and so on and so on. Studies have shown that looking at your phone before bed makes your brain active, not wanting to fall asleep. Sleeping will be much harder when looking at a bright screen. So try to put your devices away at least 1 hour, if not more, before going to bed.
4. Not brushing and flossing
This allows the sugar from last night's ice cream to sit on your teeth all night long. This can cause cavities, and can lead into worse situations.
5. Staying up too late
When you stay up too late, you can see it by the puffy, red eyes, the bags underneath your eyes, and uneven skin tone. It can also show by your high level of irritability, and increased stress. Try to get into bed early and create a routine by sleeping at the same time every night to help get your body used to it.
6. Eating sugar right before bed
This can increase blood sugar, and you'll be putting an acid, sugar, into your body all night long. If you're also not brushing your teeth, you've got yourself on quite a situation. Try to hold off on the sweets until the next day.
7. Not switching your pillowcase
Your pillow gathers all the oils from your hair and face. Every night when you go to bed, you're basically putting the grime and oil onto your face. Try switching out your pillowcase once a week to shorten the bacteria your face is exposed to every night.
8. Not Applying Hand or Cuticle Cream
Throughout the day your hands go through a lot. Try slapping on some moisturizing lotion before going to bed. The lotion has lots of time to sink in and do its work. In the morning you'll wake up with beautiful, smooth hands.

(I do not take credit for this. All credits go to

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