Depressing/Suicidal Thoughts

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Guess who really wants to not exist right now??

*points to self*


I don't know why. I just really want to die. I don't feel like being a human.

I can already feel people commenting "Same," but, no. You don't feel the same way.

This isn't me trying to hop onto some stupid trend where middle/upper class white kids b**ch about their problems and say, "I'm going to kill myself," this is me. An actual human with an actual problem. I'm not upset over something stupid, like my "boyfriend" "cheating" on me after only "dating" for less than a month, nope. This is me being sick of the world. We make all this progress, we do all these things to try and stay alive longer, but why? Why even bother when death is inevitable, and all of our work on progress with be destroyed one day? What's the point of existing? What's the point of feeling happy, or sad, or  a n y t h i n g?

I don't want to die.

I just don't want to be here.

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