Holy heck

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So I unpublished this book after Andrew read it because I was embarrassed lmao. However I'm back so you can either be excited or not care or mad. (Andrew and I are still happily together btw.)

School starts soon and I'm actually excited! I joined marching band back in May so I'm actually excited for school to start because that means football games and competitions! We play Country Roads for the ballad and it's so freaking pretty omg. All my school friends reading this you have to go to a game and watch the band. It's so freaking visually complicated tho. I spin, I get on the ground, I push a wheelbarrow, I get IN the wheelbarrow,,, like the sh*t is WILD.

The only thing I haven't enjoyed about band is band camp. If you're in theatre you know how awful tech week is. So take that, except make it 12 hours long and in the summer's heat for three weeks. That's what band camp is for us.

But it was nice sort of because I got to hang out with my boyfriend a lot! Lol

Anyway I'm going to gooooo~

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