chapter five

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Today, Jack Barakat and I took a nap together on the couch.

I don't know how it happened, but it did. I think we were watching Home Alone, the first one not the second one because according to Jack,"The second one sucks donkey dick."

I think I got too comfortable and when I woke up I was on him. With my face pressed into his neck.

But the strange thing is, I went back to that same spot and fell asleep again, just until Jack started stirring awake.

"As much as I enjoy this, why are you on me?" He asked, sounding very groggy.

"I don't know. Now shut up so I can sleep some more." I muttered and tried to get comfy again.

"Please don't move your lower half any more." Jack said.

And now I'm blushing. Hardcore, pretty sure I look like a beet now.

"Lizzy! Get off of my gay lover!" I heard Alex yell and he yanked me by my feet off of Jack so he could get in the same position as I was.

"Wow you rude bitch." I said, taking my comforter and sitting in moms recliner.

And then Alex gave Jack this look.

Jack returned the look and the two of them ran towards me and jumped in my lap.

"Wow would you look at this. Asshole one and asshole two are in my lap and by the way you two should learn how to use a shower sometime." I said after I put my hands in their hair.

"Why?" Jack asked.

"Because that shit is greasy as hell. And it'd help if you didn't use all that hairspray." I said.

"Yknow. I'm gonna call bullshit. Because whenever you see a greasy Gerard Way, you call him cute and all that. But when we're greasy, we're disgusting." Alex said.

"I only call him cute because he actually is. You two are ugly trolls." I said.

Jack slapped me on the back of the head and called me a bitch.

"Get the hell out of my house. You're not pulling that bullshit in my house." I said and shoved him off of me.

"Lizzy, I was kidding." Jack said.

"And I wasn't. Get. Out. You said yesterday that you wanted to fix things and that's fine with me. But you're not hitting me and calling me a bitch. That's what school and on the walk home from school is for." I said, got up and went to my room.

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