chap sixteen 'let it go,'

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It's Just A Crush

'Let It Go'

Adam's Point Of View.

What was going to happen now? I knew everything, but I didn't know what to do still. I wanted to hand myself over, I wanted to save Jason. But I didn't want to us to be apart, I don't think I could go through the separation. I couldn't loose Jason again, I don't want to loose him. I was truly and absolutely in love with him, there was no doubt about it in my mind. I was in love with him. I always knew that I wouldn't get my way in life all the time, but I never knew something like this would happen. If you told me, I'd end up gay, and possibly at risk of death. I wouldn't have believed you, I wouldn't have ever believed you. 

Jason look up at me, realizing I was deep in thought. "Adam, are. Are you okay?" he asked, sitting down on the bed, I nodded. I wasn't okay though, but I could smile through everything. Fake it, say. Yeah, I'm just fucking dandy Jason. I'm good. "Where did everything so wrong Jason? I don't want this anymore, I can't do this anymore. I can't be with you anymore." I croaked, shaking my head. "No, Adam you cannot say that." he snapped, standing up and walking towards the wall. "You can't tell me that." He yelled, turning around angrily. Jason was mad, beyond mad. What had I unleashed? "J-Jason." I muttered. "No, you shut the fuck up Adam. You don't get to talk." he yelled once more.

I backed up against the bed, terrified of Jason. He walked towards me, rage in his eyes. "You can't leave me." He insisted, he wasn't showing sadness. He was just plain mad. I thought it was all over for me, but. Brice walked into the room, and pushed Jason against the wall. Everything went in slow motion, I was useless. "Adam's too good for you Jason- Just let him go." Brice yelled. Before I knew it Jerome, Mitch and Ty were here too. Ty ran to my side, trying to aid me. But I shook my head, I wasn't okay. I knew I wasn't okay. "Adam, Adam keep your eyes open." Ty encouraged. I shook my head, trying to open my eyes.

"Guys, we're loosing him." Ty sighed, shaking me to keeping me awake. "What's wrong with Adam?" Jason cried out, trying to reach me. But to no avail as Jerome and Mitch kept him back. "I don't know, call an ambulance" Mitch yelled, Jerome nodded and ran to the phone. "I-I'm fine." I stuttered, shaking my head. "Adam you're not shut up." Mitch sighed, walking to my side. Brice was working on keeping Jason back, and it was really working. Tears began streaming down my face, "I shouldn't have tried to do anything. I shouldn't have tried to get close to Jason." I muttered, shaking my head. Ty shook his head, cradling me in his arms. "Adam, you have done nothing wrong. It is okay, it'll be okay." he promised, kissing my head softly. I heard Brice take Jason out of the room, and I sighed with relief.

I looked up at Ty, my vision was blurry. But I could make out him smiling down at me. "I. I'll be okay. F-For you Ty." I promised, nodding my head. I knew I'd go back home, and I'd never speak of this again. I didn't want to go with Cole, maybe I'd come back one day. When Cole was gone, when all of this bad stuff just. Didn't exist. Maybe just maybe, Jason and I could be okay again. Maybe, maybe not. Only time would tell. I shut my eyes, letting the darkness eat me whole. I heard Ty's voice, encouraging me to keep my eyes open for just a while longer. I could hear the sirens of the ambulance, but I couldn't. I didn't know what was going on with my mind, but I couldn't hold on any longer. I let go of it all, and I simply shut my eyes.


Okay, I've decided I do NOT want to continue with this story idea. So I'm going to pick the story back up in the next chapter, except. It will be two years in the future, and it will be Adam and Jason trying to be okay again. So, they will both be about 19-20. Yes, I feel like that way I can keep my muse for longer. So, this chapter was emotional to write but. It was the only way I felt I could end this part of the story. Well, I hope you enjoy the new direction this story will take. Oh, by the way. I started two new books, a TBNRFrags fanfiction, and a TheNoochM. So if you want to check those out just click onto my profile. But you're not going to be held to it. So, I love you and goodbye

Tori Out.

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