chapter 11

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I was walking to class to with adi and someone whistled at me. I turned my head and gave a dirty look but adi turned around fully and yelled " back off" to the guy.

" what's that about " I asked adi
" it really pisses me off when guys do that. It's childish" he said
" relax " I laughed
We walked in class and adi just pulled me to the seat next to him. "Shouldn't I like, ask the teacher where to sit" I asked

" no this teachers nice. She let's us sit wherever " he said
" ok" I said sitting down.
I got out my stuff and started making

"Hey nicole" adi asked
"Yeah" i said. " I didn't catch half of that can I copy your notes when we get back to the apartment" he asked
" yeah sure" I said.

After class had finished I went to meet up with Hailey for last period. But it turns out I had maths and she isn't in my maths. I walked in and got sat by myself at the back of the class which I didn't mind. In the middle of class I got really frustrated because if it's one thing I can not fucking do its maths. Especially algebra.

And low and behold that's what they were doing. I go into each lesson in a fine mood but once I've had enough I've had enough. I get annoyed and squoze my pen that hard I nearly snapped the end off.

I put my pen down in frustration and walked up to the teacher. " Hi sir, I'm really sorry but my pen just ran out and no one has any to lend out do you mind if I rush To my locker quick to get a new one?" I asked innocently
" go ahed " he said but not very enthusiastically.
" Thank you" I gushed and left quickly.

I clenched my jaw and walked to my locker. I got a drink and a new pen just to make it look like I'd told the truth. I put my head back in frustration. I slammed my locker door shut and locked it the walked back to class. I only had like 10 minutes left. I could do that. I walked in with my pen in hand and put my old one away and copied out the equation on the board.

By this point I didn't give two flying fucks about getting it right and wrote some bullshit down.

The bell finally rang and in a huff I grabbed my bag and shoved my stuff in it.
" what's up" adi asked
" fucking algebra" I said " i hate it. Van you do algebra? If so I need you to help me.  I'll help with science, English or history becuase they are the lessons I like, if you can help me to understand maths. Deal?"

" deal" he said shaking my hand. I sighed. I clenched my jaw. Adi lifted my head up with his finger and said
" relax" he laughed. I couldnt resist that laugh it was too infectious. I smiled
"I'll try" I said

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