Chapter 4: a little problem

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Zeik's POV
This day couldn't be worst!
This guy is seriusly going to slow down the delivery of those...Ehm...whatever they are!

*Sigh* What else can happen?!

A few minutes later

Me: ...okay so the cargo have to be brought inside that container and after all the boxes are in the container it will be take on the ship. Did you understand everything?
"Dev": Yes, no need for more explenation. So now we go there and br...
He walks in the direction of the door, more like running than walking.
What does he think he's doing? He can't just go inside without the permission of the guards!
I stop him and ask:
Me: Ehm...You know you must show your identification card to the guards, right?
Dev: *becomes a little nervous* My iden... Ohhh that identification card, i should have it somewhere *take a hand insidie his pocket and look around* maybe i dropped it. I'll be immediatly back, wait here *runs in the direction they just came from*

Oh come on! Seriusly?!! He dropped it? *very annoyed sigh*

Ezra's POV
Karabast! What should i do now? I don't have any of those cards!

*hides behind some boxes*
Me: *commlink sound* here specter 6 to specter one. Do you copy?
Kanan: I do specter 6. What's the problem?
Ezra: Did you know that to enter in the delivery container you need a identification card? Well I didn't! What should I do now?!
Kanan: *sigh* Hear. First you must calm down and, about the mission, I'm calling Sabine and Zeb now. Try to pick as many boxes as you can and get ready to run. We're gonna start the "distraction" a little earlier.

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