Chapter 4

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Authors Note
Hey, friends!!! I think you should know that events that happen in this story may not be in order like they are in The Walking Dead and some things will happen differently than they do in the show, so just be patient with it. Anywho, enjoy!!!

I left the room after Carol told me how sorry she was. I wonder why she is so understanding. No one should really care. I noticed that everyone was gathered in the kitchen and awaiting a response. Without making eye contact, I walked to the sliding glass door and out of the house. I need some air. There's this little tree house in my yard that I craft things and carve wood at. There are these sticks called jabbers that I sharpen with my pocket knife. I can make them really sharp and they make good weapons. Maybe I'll just go and work on them. After about twenty minutes of sharpening, I heard someone climb up the ladder.

Step. I grabbed my scissors out of my pocket.

Step. I got to the back of the wall so I could throw them at my opponent.

Step. Maybe it's one of the Saviors.

Step. Maybe it's not.

Knock. Knock. Ok, the Saviors would definitely not knock.

"It's open," I said trying to make more voice sound deeper and scarier. The door slowly opened and Eugene appeared in the doorway. When he saw me and my position, his eyes widened,

"I didn't mean to intrude-"

"It's fine. You just scared me," I cut him off, "What did you need?" I sat back down in my plastic stool which had seen way better days.

"I just wanted to notify you that your generator is running low on fuel and there is a way to reverse the power in your living quarters," said Eugene. Replaying what he said over in my head, I realized that he meant my generator was about to die and there was a way to get the power working again.

"What do you need to do to get the power back on?" I asked curiously.

"We just need to go underground to the wires and I'll take it from there. You also have that sump pump. We will be able to get it back to working shape too." I nodded,

"I don't mind you digging in my yard. What do you want for doing it?"

"Nothing." I smiled,

"Well, that makes things a lot easier." Eugene exuded himself to go talk to Rick about it and I got back to work. My jabber that I was working on was almost to perfect sharpness. I slid my pocket knife across it one last time and the tip broke off. "Dang it!" I grabbed the stock furiously and threw it out of the little window by the door.

"Ow!" Was that Pace? I ran to the window and saw Pace rubbing his forehead. The stick was in the ground next to him. I stifled a laugh,

"That's what you get for trying to sneak up on me."

"I didn't think I was sneaking up on you!" I heard someone laughing and I leaned further out of the window to see Carl. When he caught my eyes, he stopped laughing and looked at me sadly. He must know about the thing with my family now.

"Hey guys, I could use some extra help with sprucing up the place," I said while smiling.

"Oh no," groaned Pace knowingly.

"What?" asked Carl. I smiled even bigger and threw a bag of chalk at them.

"We are going to color the treehouse!"


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