Chapter 5

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After a couple of hours, the treehouse was colored and I mean every inch of it. I look up at delightfully.

"Are we finally done?" asked a breathless Pace. I glared at him,

"Don't you mean am I done?" He looked at me confusedly. "All you and Carl did was give me 'encouraging' advice," I said while using my hands as quotations. Just seeing how close Carl and Pace were alike, I could already tell that they were going to be friends.

   "Well, I mean, we did tell you not to fall and guess what? You didn't," said Carl.

   "Yes, it was only because of your advice that I didn't fall and definitely not because of my ability to climb things," I replied sarcastically. A growl sounded a little ways behind me and I turned around. There was three walkers approaching us.

   "I got the one on the right!" yelled Pace, while running towards the trio.

   "I got left!" I yelled and ran after him. It took Carl a minute to realize what we were doing before he yelled,

   "I got middle, apparently!" I caught up to Pace and tried to get ahead of him. He was too fast, though, and he reached the walkers first. Easily flipping his scissors out of his pocket, he stabbed the one on the right in the head. The walker fell to the ground with a thump. Mine had a beard and one eye was missing. I got my own pair of scissors out and stabbed it under its chin. Carl appeared beside me and killed the middle one with his knife. I heard a voice from the sliding glass door,

   "You guys really work well together." I turned my head to see the Korean guy, Glenn, I think. Pace and I shrugged together as if it was nothing and it really was to us. We've dealt with much larger problems before. "Rick told me that to tell you that it's getting dark and Carl needs to come in." I raised my eyebrows at Carl and he looked down sheepishly,

   "Uh, yah, I guess." Glenn walked back inside and Carl looked at me and Pace, "My dad is kind of overprotective." I laughed,

   "It's fine, I think it's more funny than embarrassing." Pace nodded his head,

   "Me too." We walked in together. I got a lot of sympathetic looks from everyone, but I ignored them. Sympathy is not something I need.

   "I just wanted to inform you guys that Pace and I will be waking up at seven to  go to school and before you ask, yes, our school is still running," I told the group.

   "Can I come too?" asked Carl. Before I could answer, Rick spoke up,

   "No, I don't trust anyone that I haven't met and we don't even know how safe the building is."

   "I can take care of myself and we don't even know them," Carl pointed to me and Pace.

   "Carl, don't argue with your dad," I playfully scolded. He rolled his eyes. "If you guys are hungry, just eat whatever. I really don't care." I was about to walk off to my room when I remembered something important, "Oh, wait! Don't dare touch the (Favorite Dessert)!" They laughed and nodded. I don't think these people are as bad as I thought.


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