Chapter 23

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   I opened my eyes. Everything's moving fast. I'm running. No. Someone is carrying me. I shut my eyes. I opened my eyes. Walkers. They're gonna get me. No. They're trapped in a fence. Why? I closed my eyes. I opened them for the final time. A room. Half lit by a small lamp in the corner. One window.

   I got my mind together and walked to it. I was apparently in a factory of sorts. There was a fence with walkers in it. I remember that. Suddenly, I knew where I was. This was the sanctuary. I've been captured! My breathing sped up and I ran to a door in the front of the room. It's locked. I wanted to bang on it till my hands were bloody, but the smart decision is to be quiet and hope that everyone still thinks I'm asleep. 

   I need a weapon. A chuckle escaped my lips. There's so many choices. A chair: I could break off the legs or even throw it against the window. If I even broke the window, it's too high up to get down. The lamp: I could break the lightbulb and use it as a knife. No, that would ruin my only light source in here. I noticed a night stand in the corner of the room. Maybe that could work. There was a pen on top and inside the drawer I found a bunch of suckers. This could work.

   I took off the wrapper on one and wrote on it. Let's hope this works. I grabbed the chair and threw it at the window with all of my might. The glass shattered into thousands of tiny pieces. I folded the wrapped into an airplane and threw it out of the window. It sailed for awhile until a gust of wind blew it down onto a dirt path maybe five yards from the Sanctuary. I smiled to myself. Things are starting to go my way.

   "(Y/N)?" A voice said behind me. I know that voice anywhere. He probably got inside here without me hearing. I was still standing in front of the completely shattered window. My hands uncontrollably formed into fists. Footsteps. He's getting closer. "(Y/N), don't do anything stupid." When he got just close enough, I spun around and launched myself at him. He seemed to have expected it because he jerked out of the way. I turned back towards him. "(Y/N), stop I don't want to hurt you."

   "Shut up!" I snarled. His bat was no where in sight. Negan probably still had a knife on him, though. I ran at him with the pen in my hand. I tried to stab him with it, but he grabbed my hand and pushed me away. He looked at me, now with angry eyes.

   "Is this because your boyfriend died? That wasn't my fault. It was the dead." I dropped the pen. Pace is dead. I completely forgot. The rage came back at me with burning sensation.

   "He's not my boyfriend!" I screamed at him. "You say that all of the time! You know he's not! And it's your fault. It's your fault. Your the one that stole our stuff. Your people chased him into the woods!" I backed up until I was against a wall. Then I slid to the ground as tears blurred my vision. A pair of arms wrapped around me. I wanted to push him off of me. Punch him in the face, but I couldn't move. I had gone completely numb.


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