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    It was his anxiety that finally did it.

    Of course, that sentence could be applicable to numerous instances in Mitch's life. His anxiety had been the main influence towards the vast majority of decisions that he had made throughout the course of his existence. From things as small as "how should I answer this question in class to make myself sound as cool as possible?", to "should I really come out to my parents today?". Anxiety was always perched there on his undeserving shoulder, swaying his actions.

In this particular instance I'm telling you that Mitch's anxiety had led him to make the somewhat unexpected decision to finally message Scott Hoying.

You probably would've guessed that his anxiety would've led him to stay away from doing that at all costs, as it had been doing for the past year, but this time Mitch had dared to look at things from a new perspective. He had let himself really ponder the idea of dying alone as he most likely would watch Scott meet someone, leave Vine, and be happy, never once learning of Mitchell's existence. The idea tore him apart, and that paired with the fear of wasting an opportunity had taken Mitch by the hand and made him send a message to none other than Scott himself.

He would be lying if he said he'd never noticed the email address Scott had so conveniently put in his bio, taunting Mitch every time he viewed Scott's profile, which was quite often. He now found himself curled up in blankets on his bed, doing what he'd never dared to do before. He had his laptop out in front of him as he shakily typed out Scott's email, using his phone for reference.

"Now what?" he thought, staring blankly at his screen after he'd set up the email. He sat still for a minute, his long arched brows furrowed. Slowly, he coaxed his arms out of the comfort of his blankets and hovered his fingers over the keyboard. Then, with a deep breath, he began to type.

Hi Scott!
My name is Mitch, and I'm really sorry if this is awkward, but I've followed you on vine for a long time and I just really like you-

No, no no. What was he thinking?

Hi Scott!
We've never really talked before, but I just feel the need to say this to you.

Mitch paused for a moment, biting his lip as he decided what to say next.

I've followed you on your Vine account for over a year now, and I just want to say that your videos have never failed to brighten my day. This is probably really awkward and cheesy but I just thought you should know. You also probably weren't expecting this email, but I think it's important for you to know how special you are to some people, including me.

Mitch hesitated before adding in this next part.

Anyway, I also wanted to say that you seem like a generally very enjoyable person-

Enjoyable? Ugh, no.

a generally very fun person, and I love your sense of humor and talent. I know you were probably joking for the most part, and this might be really weird of me, but I couldn't help but notice you seem to mention your lack of friends fairly often 😂.

Mitch added in the emoji as an afterthought in an attempt to lighten the mood and to make sure he got across that he was joking.

I was just wondering if you'd be interested in talking? I think we would get along well, and to be honest, I could use some more friends too.

No no no, that made him sound like a loser.

I think we would get along well, and anyway, who couldn't use a few extra friends?
I'm pretty sure we're about the same age too.
Thank you for everything!
-Mitch Grassi

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