It Begins

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"Here we go again! You always argue!". I cant believe my girlfriend instantly snaps on every case. All I did was go hunting and she yells at me for coming home late. Shot 2 deer and a rabbit, is she impressed? No, she never is. Nowadays, I think she is trying to break up with me or something. I just went through Hell and back to hunt these animals so we can eat.

Hunting isn't easy anymore, now that whatever the fuck those things are. Crazy-ass animals that try and tear you up, limb by limb, trying to feast on your torn-apart body. I can hear them cringe on every bone. That sound is just... OK all I know is that its fucked up out there and hunting isn't easy. I have to hunt because there are shit-tons bandits and looters in the stores and I cant risk it. "Look Denrick, I don't want you being out there at all." Sarri said to me as I was cleaning my .357 Magnum rifle. The gun's old but it gets the job done. "OK Sarri, I won't take the Muzzle Loader.". She gives me that sad look in her eyes. The look that makes me do as she asks -commands- me to do. She isn't a mean person, its just she doesn't let me do anything. She is always worried about my safety.

The next mourning we wake up together from the loud screeching of the griffin thingy. We didn't know what to call it, so we called it that. The fucker flies around, picking people up of the ground, and dropping them back down making them splat into the hardest, or sharpest thing on the ground. Its really ridiculous, and sometimes funny. I laugh when this one griffin drops people into this pipe filled with trash cause the victim just crawls out and it happens again and again.

Well its the middle of hunting season of the beginning of 2044-2045, and I got a total of 43 rabbits and 29 deer. The best I've done since the invasion. there are countless kinds of creatures that were part of the invasion. Rippers, Slicers, Brutes, Griffins, and Head Jockeys. The Head Jockey is about 2 ft tall, climbs up to the back of your head, drills a hole in the back of your neck. The damn thing plants a big parasite into your neck, and takes over. It happened to my friend Jarryodo, then tried shooting me. I have a theory that it connects with the brain, and learns what you have learned. When its in you, it can spend as much time it wants until it makes it final move.

It always scares me when i hear something. Screams, Flesh tearing, jaw snaps, thumps, all that shit. I actually have been chased by one of the rippers. they don't move fast but the surprise the hell outta you. It knocked me over, then I got up, and ran. I fell through a sheet metal roof and collapsed in the building. Luckily for me, nothing was in there. i got out and ran back to the cabin, where safety lied. That all happened three night ago. Never spoke of it to my girlfriend, she'd probably lock me in the cabin forever.

Well the good thing is that Sarri doesn't always argue. As i walk into the dinning room i see supper ready on the table, with some candles lit. She knows how to really "set the mood" I thought to myself. I wonder if she's trying to make up for arguing with me earlier, or just being her. Then she walks in, with her beautiful blonde hair flowing down wavily. I never knew her hair was actually that long and thin. It reminded my about how much i loved her, and how we are stuck with each other since we had no way to contact our parents.

"Surprise!" she says in an innocent toned voice. "I thought i'd make it special, for you". All that ran in my mind was Damn she's good. I chuckled and said, "Is this what I think it is?". "It could be." she replied, "I should be more proud of you than worried.". We finally dug into some cheese-filled chicken breast -which tasted amazing- and I finally thought the world was normal again, and I loved her for it.

"Sarri, this is absolutely delicious!" I said in a sorta relieved voice. I knew she cooked it just right, She always does. As I reached for my glass of milk, Sarri Grabbed my hand laced her fingers with mine and said, "Don't leave me.". I determinedly said back, "I would never forgive myself if I did.'. She smiles back as we finish eating, and then starts cleaning the table while i sit there. I admire her clumsiness as she she carries the dishes to the sink. I ask, "Do I need to go get some water from the river?". she smiles back... it's a yes.

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