Thinking Works, Too

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I stare wide-eyed at her. "Kelly... W-What are-" She cuts me off and says, "Den, we need something big, long, and blunt." Is she seriously planning on beating the shit out of a fucking twitchy-ass carnivore pig thing that... ohh give up already Denrick... Still holding me, she sighs, and leans against the wall inside the warehouse. I spot a pipe, and rip it off, detaching it. She smiles when she notices and slowly takes it from my hand. "I'll be back for you Den... Don't worry." I look at her with surprise, and then she sets me down onto the ground comfortably. "Kelly this is insane, but i need you to get those guns... the ones in the back of my truck. I h-have a revolver under the seat. If... If you can get to it, it'll be a hundred times easier to ki-" She then darts away, making sure she doesn't lose a second of the time she has. Kelly, be safe... please...

I lay there still, but relaxed, untill I hear a noise. Shit no... please don't be that thing... And with my luck, it was the thing that was chasing us. "no...." It whispers as it walks/lurks/strays across the god damn catwalk above me. "I then slowly get up, but a sharp pain goes straight into my hips. I refuse to die here. There must be something I can use.... Then the idea hit me. I limp towards the door that the foul-assed motherfucker came through, and according to my plan, I knocked over a barrier that guarded a generator- that probably doesn't even function anymore. It made just enough noise that the thing came straight towards me. It moved like a lighting bolt, but when it came towards the doorway, I was on the outside. When it's head was even with the doorway, I smashed the door right into it's head. I didn't see what happened to the thing, but when I opened it back up... it sprang at me. It's head was hanging loose upside down, so therefore I broke it's head and neck COMPLETELY. Yet the damned thing kept attacking.

It struggles ontop of me, trying to slash my head open, and I struggle to prevent it from hurting me, and throw it off to the side. Right as I get up, it lunges straight towards me, but then it's direction completely changes. It flies straight to the left, into the warehouse wall. I then find a bullet hole in it's side. Then before I could even blink, I get tackled straight to the ground, but something was odd. I felt the thin arms rap around me, holding me tightly. "Kelly?" I asked in a quiet voice that was then overpowered by her answer, "Denrick! Are you alright? Did u get hurt?" Before I could even ask her to clam down, she does herself. But one thing I had going on in my mind was What the hell did she use to kill that thing? Was it my revolver that kept hidden in the back of my truck? There WAS only one hole in it... interesting...

"She pulls away from me and looks me in the eyes, "I'm sorry Denrick... I just really don't want to lose you.... you're all I got..." After she said the, I kissed her right on the forehead, and smiled. I didn't even try to get up, because she automatically lifted me up, and carried me back into the warehouse. I could she her bright-red face as she carried me in. She honestly reminded me of my teenage years. Man I still got it! HA! I smile my victory smile as she sits down, holding my head in her lap. She stares into my eyes for about five minutes or so, and then lays down with me. It is nightime, so i guess she's more tired than I am.

The sad part was that both of us couldn't sleep, AT ALL. I sat up, and she followed. "Kelly" I say, "I... I can't sleep... not like this..." She stares at me for quite a few seconds, then picks me up again. "Den, we're going to see what we can scavenge from your truck, and... I'm sorry for wrecking it..." I nod to her with a smile, then she begins to walk out of the warehouse.

It wasn't too terrible long before we encountered something. A couple goons were trying to scavenge all of our shit. "Kelly, shoot those bastards." She acknowledges me, and raises up an 8 round 44. revolver. The beastly revolver was... well... BEASTLY. The bloody revolver was made in 2020, and was hidden away in my truck for decades, but I did take care of it. two very loud bangs came from the gun. both shots were beautiful, each hitting the targets in the back, and both dropping dead. Then the troubling thought boomed in my mind. What if they weren't alone? GREAT. I look up at Kelly to say, "Be on the lookout, they might not be alone" She nods and carries up to the wreckage. The first thing I saw, was a pump action shotgun, that I also hid in the truck. Do I hide EVERYTHING in that truck? There might even be protection in there... hehe.

Kelly then sets me down gently. I watch her rush up to the truck, searching it quickly. She grabs what looks to be shotgun shells, and my shotgun. I honestly thought things were going smoothly, till a fucking flying asshole griffin starts to circle above the truck. I shouted, "Kelly, move! NOW!" She jumps toward me, as the griffin swoops down, landing ontop of the truck.

She's a quick thinker, because she handed me the shotgun (which was already fully loaded- which of course, is illegal to have inside of a moving vehicle) and she stuffed all of the extra shells in my left pocket. What a girl... She started dragging me backwards as I aimed at the flying fucker, and squeezed the trigger. The method was- Aim, squeeze, pump. Aim, squeeze, pump. Over and over again. After the first two shots, the beast took off with a mouthful of beads.

She then fully lifted me up, and made a B-line towards the warehouse. She kept running untill she made it through the door. "Denrick... are we safe?" She asked, but my responce was to late. The whole roof came off the warehouse, due to a flying fuck that just doesn't give a fuck. The dumbass creature hung there, making loud screeching noises. It seemed to be stuck on something, but Kelly didn't give two shits, because she took of like a bat outta hell.

She kept running, getting as far away from it as possible. She's panting like hell, and I'm still unable to fully operate, due to impalement. She keeps running untill we spot a... really disgusting-looking pond, fully of the murkiest water in the world. She jogs up to it, then sets me down about five feet away from the edge of the water. She's exausted and I am exausted myself.

She eventually lays down next to me, closer to the water. She wispers to me "Stay alive." I smirk at her and close my eyes, hoping that sleep takers over. I felt so light and free, but then a thought occured. Am I actually safe in this world? I have to be... I didn't know if I could sleep thinking about it, but I fell alseep anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2014 ⏰

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