Pursue And Kill

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As I start walking towards them, I see Kelly washing her face in the clear water, and Breeze washing out his wounds. He must of been in some pretty heavy shit. As I approach Kelly she gets startled, but then relaxes. "Ohh it's just you." she says in a relived tone. "I would tell you if I was one of them." I said to her. She just puts her face to the water again, and then she suddenly stops. She's staring at something. I see it in the distance, a slicer. "Its ugly isn't it." I said to her. Breeze isn't paying any attention. And then, out of my surprise, she said, "Ya. They're not my type." I chuckled and asked "Am I?"

She laughed and replied, "I don't know. You look like you know what you're doing out there though." I said to her, "the same thing happened to my dad, but he didn't make it home." She frowned and lean closer to me, and whispered, "Can we go in the cabin now? It's not safe out here." I shook my head and motioned them to get to the cabin. Kelly picked up Breeze and set him onto her shoulders, and they limped to the cabin, moving in right behind me.

As we got to the cabin, we heard a screeching noise. We walked into the cabin and i pointed toward the couch, so that she could set Breeze down. She shook her head and started for the couch, as I walked upstairs. I was gonna grab my first aid kit in the upstairs bathroom till Kelly screamed, "Ohh God!. That terrible!" I kept walking up the stairs though, ignoring the pain in the side of my head, where I got hit with the grip of a fucking pistol. God, I wish to become stronger, more fit for this fucking monstrosity. I stop in my tracks, right in front of the bedroom door. Everything around me fades away, and its just the doors. As I open them I see Sarri, laying on the bed reading her favorite book in her night gown. What is this. I think to myself alitte more, untill I realize it's my mind, going crazy.

I blink and shake my head, "Ahh shit." I'm now getting visions of her, the girl that was once mine, and now gone forever. I remember that Kelly and Breeze are still down stairs, and I rush to grab my medical kit and run down the stairs. I left the cabinet door open, but I don't really care right now. I walk up to them and pause, just to see the crazy shit that is right in front of my eyes.

All I see is a huge infected wound in his chest. it looks like a bullet wound. "May God have mercy upon your soul." I announced as I grab my shotgun, and lift it up. I aim it straight at his face, and right before I pull my trigger, he scowls and lunges after me. He grabbed ahold of the gun, and makes very awkward noises. The noises make my ears hurt, and he overpowers me and throws me to the ground. He then lunges ontop of my body, and I'm still holding the gun sideways, with both hands. I shove him to the side and he falls to the ground, making an opening for me to attack. I break open his eye with the butt of the double barrel, and smack his cheek with the gun.

He gets on his hands and knees, and snarls. "Fuck shit and run Kelly!" I shout as I kick his face. He falls to the ground stiffly, looking like someone bombed the hell out of him. Kelly is by the door, that exits the cabin, looking like she has seen the devil himself. "Shit... There's no way we could have saved him." I claimed. "well then what now?" Kelly said as she raised her arms, then let them fall. "We leave this place, and enter the city. Our only chance of survival is... is if we find a QZ." (Quarantine Zone) I said. She replied sharply, "You want to go into the city?" I sighed and sadly said, "If were gonna need help, we gotta find a QZ." "Ok then." she replied heavily.

I reload my shotgun and grab other supplies out of the kitchen cupboards, such as: canned food, bandages, water bottles that I'll fill up later, and a map that has all the parts of the city. It has all the QZs' locations, and all the military outpost locations. "If we're gonna move, now's the time to go." I said with monotone. She nodded her head and didn't say anything. I grab my rifle and burst out the door. I start with a light jog down the path to my truck. the technology is more advanced in the city, not in its suburbs. We reach the truck, and then I say, "hop on in." She chuckles as she walks around the truck to get to the passenger side. She opens the door of my 2033 Dodge Ram, which is in perfect condition, and gets in. As I open the door she looks at me with a smile.

As I open the door she's already ready to go, into that broken city filled with looters and monsters. I jump into the diver side seat carelessly, and and grab the keys from under the seat. I fumble around with them all I pull them up, putting them into the ignition. I twist the key, and the engine roars like some kinda lion, when taking on an enemy. "lets have some fun, Shall we?" I said over top of the engine. She laughs with a smile, then we take off. We spewed about 70 dozens of rocks when we skidded across the gravel path.

It's about high noon as we pass the outer city gas station we call, "Outcast". It doesn't get many customers besides truckers, mail man, and any other goods transporter. I'm still good on gas, at about 1/4 of a tank left. I'm planning on stopping at a gas station inside the city, that's not abandoned or looted. Then Kelly wakes up with a yawn, and stretches her arms outward, almost hitting me in the face. Then I say, "It looks like you're awake." She groans and doesn't reply, and turns to her side facing away from me. I laugh to myself and continue to drive down the broken up road, filled with mosses and weeds in the cracks.

There's alot of shit that I passed on the way here, such as blood stains and corpses. I'm just glad she was asleep, so she didn't have to see that. I haven't ran into any crazy things or looters yet, and as you suspect, I jinxed myself.

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