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"Finn!" You snapped, catching him accepting a cigarette from John and Arthur. You pulled it out of his mouth as you made your way to Arthurs desk, not even looking back as you strolled through the room and into Poll's office to tell her how much the Garrison had made that week.

When you headed back out the office you discovered they were now pouring the boy several shots of whiskey, you glared at them until Arthur reluctantly moved so he could pull the glass away from Finn who rolled his eyes.

"He's a fuckin' Shelby if he wants to drink he can drink." Arthur snapped.

"Yeah at the Garrison with Pol or tommy watching, last time he got drunk and you two watched him he nearly took his eye out with a gun." You huffed back as you set the Garrison's books on the table in front of Arthur.

He turned to you and an hour long argument started although by the time you both stormed off you had no idea what you were bickering about and everything had returned to normally by the time you joined the Shelby's at the Garrison.

"So Arthur." Tommy started as you went over to Harry to get the drinks. "When's the wedding?"

"Dunno what you're on about Tommy." Arthur muttered as he watched over you for his seat.

"Come on now, you've been with (Y/N) since you were tugging on her pigtails." John chuckled.

"Yeah she already bosses us around might as well marry her so we'll listen." Finn joked.

"Yeah well what if she don't wanna get married?" Arthur asked his brothers, not realizing they all knew about the ring he'd bought for (Y/N) before he left for the war.

"Just ask her she's gonna say yes." John sighed.

"Well it's a little more complicated than that, gotta think about all the other things." Arthur muttered. "Shut up now." He grunted when you head back over.

"Just ask her Arthur." Tommy muttered before you were close enough to hear.

Arthur Shelby ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now