Letter #2

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FROM: Tom Raines

To: Wyatt Enslow


Dear Wyatt, I don't know what to say. I like you as a friend, but nothing more, I did like you once, but Yaolan will always be first in my heart.

Wyatt, Even if I did like you more than Yaolan, I still wouldn't be able to break up with her for so many reasons. You know what she would do to me if I broke up with her, and she doesn't have much of a reason to nice to you anyway, so she would treat you worse than me.

Wyatt, I don't know who or what you think I am, but I'm not as amazing as you think. I thought you would know better, you've seen me in the worst state possible. You need to put your emotions aside at least for now, and Please, for both of our sakes, don't tell Yaolan.

As for her insisting that you call her medusa, I wouldn't think too much of that. She wouldn't even tell me her real name, and I'm not sure how long it would have taken if that catalystic maniac Vengerov hadn't accidentally mentioned it. 

Things are a bit crazy back here on earth, and with all these new people downloading stuff, the generators had to get upgraded. My dad is really psyched about a trip that we have planned to the Alps, so the next time I'll write to you will be then.

Wyatt, Yuri really misses you, and if you came home and break up with him, I don't think he'll ever recover, so PLEASE stay loyal to him

Your anthropomorphic friend


Correspondence(Fanfic)(Insignia by S.J. Kincaid)Where stories live. Discover now